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Jennifer Levy
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Grade 5 Teacher
Barbara Lombardi
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Susanna LoVerme
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Preschool Teacher
Hector Malave
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Paul Marino
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Music Teacher
Anne Masella
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Kindergarten Teacher
Elena Mayorga
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Instructional Coach/Teacher
Victoria Morris
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Resource Teacher
Michelle Peluso
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Special Education
Patricia Perkins
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Grade 3 Teacher
Lauren Plourde
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Media Specialist/Teacher
Sandra Prizio
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Melissa Prompovitch
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Grade 2 Teacher
Alyssa Pudill
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Grade 4 Teacher
Jean Pudill
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Laura Reynolds
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Christina Rozum
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Instructional Coach/Teacher
Emilyann Sadownick
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Beth Salai
Orchard Hills Elementary School
ESL Teacher
Bridget Sanchez
Orchard Hills Elementary School