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Tammy Agria
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Speech Pathologist
April Agvent
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Grade 1 Teacher
Shefrea Arnold
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Elizabeth Ashkins
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Lisa Barry
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Lunch Aide
Kayla Benedetti
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Art Teacher
Nick Bettencourt
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Dawn Bettencourt
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Preschool Teacher
Sarah Bousquet
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Art Teacher
Barbara Brunau
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Grade 2 Teacher
Jesse Cala
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Physical Education
Kellie Choquette
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Grade 1 Teacher
Sara Connery
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Kindergarten Teacher
Dawn Cooper
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Beth Czar
Orchard Hills School
Naomi DaPaz
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Social Worker
Cara Dascenzo
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Community Connections Centers Coordinator
Alisse DeAngelis
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Special Education Teacher
Tracy DellaVecchia
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Debra Desing
Orange Avenue Elementary School
Lunch Aide