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Hello Friends! Hard to believe January is nearly done and February arrives next week.  Don’t forget – the Groundhog will make his predictions on Thursday (Feb. 2nd) – will he see his shadow? Stay tuned ….



Monday, Jan. 30th – Friday, Feb. 3rd: Regular schedule all week




Graduation Dates Will Be Set in April

When we start to receive multiple questions here in the office on the same topic, we like to provide the information here so everyone gets the answer.  This week, the question was “What are the Graduation Dates for this year?”  The answer is – ‘we don’t know yet.’  Each year, the Board of Education officially sets the Graduation Date Schedule at their April Board of Education Meeting. The reason for this is because, by April, snow days are pretty much behind us and we can more confidently predict when the last day of school will be. So … stay tuned! As soon as the dates are set, we’ll share them with you!


Board of Finance Budget Meeting Dates Released

As promised last week, we are pleased to share the upcoming Board of Finance Budget Meeting Schedule with you.  The majority of the BOF’s meetings will be held virtually and the instructions on how to access the meetings can be found on the Meeting Schedule. Attendees always find these meetings very interesting – as they learn more about the various departments that keep our city moving forward. Mark your calendars now!  SCHEDULE.




Thursday, Feb. 2nd: Ruby & Calvin Fletcher African American Museum Comes to Milford Public Library, 7:00 p.m.

In honor of Black History Month, the Milford Public Library has arranged for an outstanding event next week.  Mr. Jeffrey Fletcher, Executive Director of the Ruby & Calvin Fletcher African American Museum will share artifacts and stories with us from the museum. Come hear of the struggles, as well as triumphs, of African Americans throughout history. Attendees will have the chance to see historical and cultural artifacts ‘up close and personal.’  The presentation is appropriate for adults, and students in grades 6-12.  We hope to see you there.  FLYER.


Milford Junior Major League Baseball Opens Registration for 2023 Season

Milford Junior Major League Baseball has opened their registration portal for the 2023 Season. Programming is offered for all young people – ages 2 to 19! Take a look at the flyers and follow the instructions on how to register.  Play Ball!  JML Full List of ProgramsJML Age 6 and Under Programs.


Saturday, Feb. 11th: Souper Bowl of Caring Tailgating Party Day Before the Superbowl to Help Tackle Hunger, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.; at Mary Taylor Church (on the Green)

Here’s a great way to get in the Superbowl ‘spirit’ – but on the day before!  The team at Mary Taylor Memorial Church will be holding a special Souper Bowl of Caring Tailgating event on Saturday, Feb. 11th – to help in their efforts to ‘tackle’ hunger. The event will take place from 11-1, with food, games, entertainment and more. And, as an extra special feature, special guests from the CT Chapter of the NFL Alumni will be there to say hello.  ADMISSION is FREE – if you bring a non-perishable food donation or a monetary donation of your choice, with proceeds benefitting the Milford Food Bank and the Beth El Center.  So – let’s have some fun and help out the members of our community.  Hope to see you there! FLYER.


Milford Youth Lacrosse Now Accepting Registrations; Deadline is 2/18

The Milford Youth Lacrosse organization is now accepting registrations!  Boys and girls from grades K-8 are asked to register by Feb. 18th in order to be added to a roster.  The spring season will run from Mid-March to Early/Mid June.  FLYER.


Room 17 Math Partners with the MAC on a Special Math Based Art Show; Submissions Due by March 12

It’s no secret – art and mathematics are closely entwined – and children can use their creative talents to display how math has influenced their work!  Kids in grades K-12 can use various media (music, digital media, dance, photography, painting, sculpting, etc.) to create a piece and share how they incorporated math.  The deadline for submission is March 12th.  Click HERE to learn more.


Have a great weekend, everyone … see you next week!

 -Milford Public Schools