Food Services

In the Milford Public Schools, our priority is to plan, prepare and serve the tastiest, most nutritious and affordable meals in order to support student well-being. Our meals meet the strict regulations set forth by the USDA and in conjunction with the requirements of the National School Lunch/School Breakfast Programs. Meal choices include a variety of entrees, whole grain breads and rolls, 100% fruit juice, fruits, vegetables, and low- or no-fat milk (in age appropriate portion sizes). In addition, we incorporate a wide variety of locally- and regionally-grown whole fresh fruit when seasonally available.

If your child has dietary restrictions, please contact our district Foodservice Director Eileen Faustich at or call (203) 783-3490.

We are proud of our foodservice operation in Milford and thank you for your support.

Meal Prices, 2024-25

For students who qualify for free meals, (determined by the completion of the Free/Reduced-Price Meals application or Direct Certification), meals will be offered FREE OF CHARGE.

For students who qualify for reduced-price meals, (determined via the completion of the Free/Reduced-Price Meals application or Direct Certification), meals also will now be offered FREE OF CHARGE.  

For students who do not qualify for Free/Reduced-Price Meals meals will be offered at full price.

Elementary Full Price Breakfast


Middle School Full Price Breakfast


High School Full Price Breakfast


Elementary Full Price Lunch


Middle School Full Price Lunch


High School Full Price Lunch


Refund-Transfer-Donate Request Form

Please use this form to request a refund, transfer student funds from one account to another, or donate leftover funds to assist other families in paying for school meals. Request for refund checks will be processed and mailed within 2-3 week. If your student is remaining in the Milford Public Schools, no action is necessary. All funds follow the student anywhere in the district.

Paying for Meals

LINQ Family Portal
(formerly Titan School Solutions)

LINQ School Solutions is the software company our foodservice program uses to provide student meal accounts for students to make cashless foodservice purchases.  LINQ School Solutions provides one website for parents and students to use to pay for school meals, check student account balances and view your child’s meal and à la carte purchases.

Free/Reduced Price Meals Application
Families are encouraged to complete the Federal Free/Reduced Price Meals Application. As we continue to transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic, and as members of the National School Lunch/Breakfast Programs, families may benefit from the guidelines that are in place. Families that may not have qualified previously may qualify now.

Please click on the icons below to learn more.

snap logo

SNAP Program: An Alternative for Free/Reduced Price Meals

Back in October, the income level required for eligibility for SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) was increased, so some families who previously did not qualify for SNAP may now qualify.  Any student who receives SNAP benefits is automatically eligible for free school meals.  Click HERE to go right to Connecticut’s dedicated website page about SNAP funds and directions on how to apply.

March Menus


Foodservice Contact Information


Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School: Kristie Callahan, 203-783-3612,

John F. Kennedy Elementary School: Marisa Gjuraj, 203-783-3607,

Live Oaks Elementary School: Lisa Vincent, 203-783-3604,

Mathewson Elementary School: Rafaella Gagliardi, 203-783-3608,

Meadowside Elementary School: Antoinette Thibodeau, 203-783-3609,

Orange Avenue Elementary School: Kristina Bachman, 203-783-3610,

Orchard Hills Elementary School: (Interim) Najia Ashfaq, 203-783-3605,

Pumpkin Delight Elementary School: Bobbie Stassun, 203-783-3611,


East Shore Middle School: Margaret Allan, 203-783-3551,

Harborside Middle School :Carrie Anderson, 203-783-3542.

West Shore Middle School: Maria Nunno, 203-783-3545,


Jonathan Law High School: Marie Razzaia, 203-783-3574, ext. 5016,

Joseph A. Foran High School: Marybeth Salvato, 203-783-3502, ext. 1033,


Dir. of Foodservice Eileen Faustich, 203-783-3490,

Central Kitchen Supervisor: Christopher Hathaway, 203-783-3613,

Secretary: Dawn Noble, 203-783-3490,

Secretary: Ann Reno, 203-783-3495,