Dear MPS Community,
We’re almost there! Lots of concerts, holiday shopping, athletics – we hope this will help you in the days ahead! Read on…
Monday, Dec. 12 – Friday, Dec. 16: Regular schedule all week
Monday, Dec. 12: Board of Education Meeting, 7:00, Parsons
The Board of Education will conduct its monthly business meeting on Monday, Dec. 12th in the Parsons Governmental Center at 7:00 in the BOE Meeting Room. Here’s what’s on the agenda:
Student Reports, Public Comment, Approval of the Working Agreement between the Milford Board of Education and The United Public Service Employees Union (UPSEU) - Milford Cafeteria Workers – July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2026, Approval of the Working Agreement between Milford Board of Education and Milford School Custodian and Maintainers Union, Local 2018, Council #4 - AFSCME, AFL-CIO – July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2026, Chair’s Report, Superintendent’s Report: Board of Education Schedule of Meetings in 2023, 2023-24 Academic Calendar, Policies for Review: Curriculum (6140), Student Success Plans, Challenging Curriculum, and Enrollment in Advanced Courses or Programs of Study (6141.51), Advanced Courses or Programs (Rescind former policy 6141.51), Gifted and Talented Identification and Programming (6172.1), Human Resources Annual Report, Human Resources Monthly Report, Disbursement Report, Consent Agenda: Minutes for 11/14/22 and 11/28/22.
The Board will adjourn to Executive Session for the Superintendent’s Mid-Year Update and reconvene at the end of that conversation. Board comment will follow.
Wednesday, Dec. 14th: Flu/COVID Vax Clinic, 336 Sub Way, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Here’s another opportunity for folks to take advantage of the vaccination clinics that have been arranged, thanks to the Milford Health Department! There will be a Flu/COVID Clinic taking place on 12/14, located at 336 Sub Way from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Click HERE for the flyer. COVID-19 Vaccines are FREE; Flu Vaccines are free for individuals ages 18 and under; for adults $20; for senior citizens 65 and over receiving the ‘high dose’ vaccination, the cost is $61.
Thursday, Dec. 15th: COVID Vax Clinic at Jonathan Law, 2:30 – 5:30 p.m., FREE
If you’ve been meaning to get your COVID-19 Vaccination this year, the Milford Health Dept. is making it super easy to do so. A COVID-19 Vax Clinic will be taking place on December 15th at Jonathan Law High School, from 2:30 – 5:30 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome; no appointment necessary. The clinic is brought to us thanks to Griffin Health and the CT Dept. of Public Health. Vaccinations at this clinic are FREE. Click HERE for the flyer.
Milford Health Department Public Service Announcement: If you have been considering getting your vaccinations and aren’t sure whether to do so or not, please take a moment to watch this public service announcement, prepared by our local health officials. It has been airing on WTNH recently.
ICYMI: Marissa Acampora Named Instructional Supervisor for Equity & Engagement
In case you missed it, here’s the link to the news we released earlier this week. Congratulations to Marissa Acampora who has been appointed as the district’s Instructional Supervisor of Equity & Engagement. Marissa will join the MPS team in mid-January.
Milford Foodservice Shares Expected Pricing for Meals in 2023
As you know, the federal grant that enabled the Milford Foodservice Team to provide breakfast and lunch meals for free to all students will soon be coming to an end. That said, we are publishing the prices for breakfast and lunch meals that will be in place, starting in January 2023. If you wish to be considered for reduced-price or free meals going forward through the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program, you must complete the Free/Reduced-Price Application as soon as possible. Please check out our information on the district website HERE.
Elementary: $1.75
Middle School: $2.00
High School: $2.50
Elementary: $3.35
Middle School: $3.60
High School: $3.85
At all levels, reduced-price breakfasts for qualifying families are 30¢.
At all levels, reduced-price lunches for qualifying families are 40¢.
That's it for this week, folks. Take a look at your ‘chore lists’ everyone! Get going! See you next week.
-Milford Public Schools