To the Milford Public Schools Community,
Please be advised that the Milford Public Schools will have an EARLY DISMISSAL today, December 18, 2023. This determination is based on the fact that our tides have not receded as expected, and with an additional high tide coming this afternoon, flooding remains as a serious issue for us, especially for student walkers.
There will be no Afternoon Preschool classes today. All PM activities for Milford Public Schools, including Adult Education and all after-school programs (Ready to Learn, YMCA, or Boys & Girls Club) are canceled today. No transportation will be provided for ECA and Bridgeport Aqua students today.
Early dismissal for your school is 2 hours prior to the regular end time:
Elementary 1:25 p.m.
Middle: 12:45 p.m.
High School: 11:58 a.m.
Thank you, and please be safe.
-Milford Public Schools