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Got a Special Talent? Teach an Adult Ed Course, Earn Cash

Milford Adult Ed Program In Search of New Course Instructors for Fall 2023

The Milford Adult Education program is seeking local individuals to share their special talents with others – and earn some extra cash at the same time!  In an effort to expand the enrichment course offerings, the staff continues to focus on bringing in new courses to keep the program fresh.

In order to accomplish this, Program Director Rick Raucci is, once again, asking for residents to consider teaching a course of personal interest through the Milford Adult Education program.  “We know Milford is a vibrant community and residents have a wide range of interests and areas of expertise.  We would love to hear from people who would like to join us, share their skills with others, and build enthusiasm for their talent. And, the best part, to earn extra cash!”

Proposals for new courses are welcome via the district’s online Got a Special Talent form. The link can also be found on the MPS district website at (select the Adult Education tab at the top).  Questions also may be addressed to