West Shore Middle School


Dear West Shore Families-

We are looking forward to seeing our families on Monday for our in person Open House at 6:00. You will be reporting to your child’s homeroom where you will get their schedule and then you will get a taste of a day in their lives at WSMS. 

Here we have some of our 8th graders playing a song on the ukulele after learning only 5 notes! There’s great things happening at West Shore! 

Information about after school clubs and activities were sent home with the children this week. Please ask them about it and encourage them to join one of the offerings. 

We had a great turnout for our first PTA meeting this week. They are planning many fun events for the kids this year. Please make sure you join. There will be a membership table in the lobby at Open House. 

Upcoming Events:

  • OPEN HOUSE: Mark your calendars and please join us for our Open House on Monday, September 19th  at 6 p.m. This is a wonderful evening and your partnership with us is critical to your child's success. 

  • Fall Conferences: Wednesday, October 19th  5:30-8:00 p.m. and Thursday, October 20th  1:05-3:05 p.m. More information to come about signing up!

Have a great weekend!

Carrie Keramis
