Parent Weekly 9/2/22


Dear West Shore Families-

We had a great start to the school year! The students have quickly adapted to school routines and are starting to get the hang of the new schedule. Our sixth graders look to be settling into their new environment nicely. I am sure they will be exhausted by the end of the day today as they adjust to getting up for school again. Lucky for them we have a long weekend for Labor Day. I hope you all enjoy some barbecues and lawn games with family and friends.

West Shore would like to shout out a BIG congratulations to our softball players Chloe Capalbo,Julia Scibek, Sophia Horvack, Madison Bonanno  who competed in the 2022 Little League Softball World Series! Next week we will interview them live on the West Shore morning news. 

Please note the upcoming events on your calendars. 

Upcoming Events:

  • Join us in the media center on September 14th at 6:30 for our first PTA meeting. 

  • OPEN HOUSE: Mark your calendars and please join us for our Open House on Monday, September 19th  at 6 p.m. This is a wonderful evening and your partnership with us is critical to your child's success. 

Carrie Keramis
