Dear WSMS Families,
It looks like we should have wonderful weather for Memorial Day weekend! I hope you all have a wonderful time with your friends and family. Next week we have our Middle School track meet. We are hoping to bring home the win! Go Wildcats!!
It is nearing the end of the trimester so it is a good time for you to check your child’s grades on PowerSchool. If they are struggling in any class please reach out to the teacher so you have time to get them on track before the end of the year.
This week we wrapped up our SBA/NGSS testing! Thanks for your support at home.
Our Drama Club is performing Beauty and the Beast on June 9th at 7:00 pm. Click here for ticket information.
Grade 8 Families:
The eighth grade Stepping Up ceremony has been scheduled for June 15th at 5:00. The festivities will be at the JLAW gymnasium.
Jonathan Law Booster Club is excited to welcome incoming freshmen! Click here for the link for freshmen yard signs and t-shirts is below. Interested families would need to purchase the sign and/or t-shirts. The booster club will deliver the yard signs and/or t-shirts the week leading up to the start of school.
PTA Corner:
We will have a brief PTA meeting on June 8th at 6:30 to elect our officers for next year. Click here for the link.
Enjoy the holiday weekend!
Carrie Keramis