Parent Weekly 3/11/22


Good Afternoon,

      It was another busy week here at West Shore Middle School!  Students started the week completing different activities in their Physical Education classes to build their cooperative group skills.  Teachers specifically worked hard to incorporate the values of good teamwork and good sportsmanship while having fun during their volleyball lessons.  Teachers have also helped students utilize advancements in technology to help move them forward in their learning.  QR codes are being  activated in classrooms to showcase student work and to give helpful directions that allow students to be resources for one another in a more advanced way.  This is impressive work!

      On Thursday, students came to school with their ski and snowboard gear ready for another trip to Mount Southington.  Life Touch also visited us on Thursday to capture the pictures of the students involved in the clubs and activities that go on here at West Shore.  It was great to see so many smiling faces walking down to the Media Center to proudly take these important photos. There are so many students involved in activities outside of the classroom!  It really is another reason why “West is Best!”

      Grade 8 students and families have begun the course selection process. School counselors will be pushing into classes to support students with the process. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Pala,who is currently supporting Mrs. McCormack’s students or Ms. Lavigne for any specifics related to the course selection process.

      Finally, students celebrated International Women’s Day in the Media Center.  There were books and activities for students to interact with and learn from.  We also held a fundraiser to help the people of Ukraine.  Students and staff wore yellow and blue and made donations.  Our hearts are most filled when helping others!

Important Dates

March 16 : Early Release Day

March 30 : Conferences (1-3pm), Early Release at 12:35

March 31 : Conferences (5:30-8pm), Early Release at 12:35

Have a great weekend,

We hope you can join us for family skate night!