Parent Weekly 1/31/25


Dear WSMS Families,

It was a warmer week, and we managed to avoid the snow! Look below to see what went on at our awesome school this week.

Upcoming Guest Speakers in Counseling Classes
Our Comprehensive Counseling Classes will welcome more guest speakers in the next few weeks, thank you Mrs. Campanella and Ms. Staltaro for arranging these for our students!

  • Officer Cox (Canine Officer) - He will give a presentation on his career and how he helps to provide therapeutic services for the Milford Community.  Winston, his dog, will be joining him in the presentation.

  • William Silver (Architect) - He will give the students information regarding the skills needed to be an architect. 

  • Dr. Esposito (Thoracic Surgeon) - He will talk about the different careers available to students in the medical field.

  • Helena Duhaime (Physical Therapist) - She will give a presentation on her job as a physical therapist.

Club Pictures  Legacy Studios was here on Tuesday bright and early in the morning.  They set up in the cafeteria to take all the Club and Activities Pictures for our Yearbook.  Thanks goes out to Jen Donini for taking on the yearbook once again. 

Ski Club Trip
On January 30th, our Ski Club visited Mount Southington for the last time. Students made the most of their time on the slopes. Thank you to Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Mikucki, and Mr. Zunski.  They spent a lot of time making this ski season fun and memorable for our West Shore students. 

PTA Paint Night
Many of you joined us for the PTA’s Paint and Pizza Night on 1/30. Thank You!  Guests were treated to some pizza, a beverage, painting supplies, and a painting lesson from one of our very own Art Teacher, Megan Laudenslager.  It was great to see so many of our families having fun in our cafeteria!

Stay warm and take care,
Carrie Keramis

WSMS PTA Updates:

Upcoming dates:

3/13 Comedy Night - Parents Night Out.  Register here.

3/26 Staff/Student Basketball Game

4/4 Family Skate Night