Dear West Shore Families,
What a full and exciting week it has been! From the very first day back, West Shore students and staff jumped right into the rhythm of learning and collaboration.
Marking Period 2 Updates
Marking Period 2 ends on January 17th, and grades will be released on February 4th. This is a great time to check your child's grades and ensure all assignments are completed and submitted.
Community Conversation: Long Range Facilities Planning
This Saturday, January 11th, we invite you to join the Long Range Facilities Planning community conversation. Your input is valuable, and we hope to see you there!
Guest Speaker Visits Eighth Grade Counseling Classes
On January 2nd, our Eighth Grade Comprehensive Counseling Classes had the pleasure of welcoming William Silver, a local architect from Milford, as a guest speaker. Mr. Silver, who played a key role in designing the renovations to West Shore Middle School, gave an engaging presentation about what it takes to be an architect and shared insights into other business career paths. A big thank you to our Counseling Department for organizing this fantastic learning experience!
Ski Club Adventures
Over the past two Thursdays (January 2nd and 9th), members of the West Shore Ski Club had the opportunity to hit the slopes at Mount Southington. Students enjoyed skiing and snowboarding while improving their skills on the trails. A huge thank you to Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Mikucki, and Mr. Zunski for organizing these exciting trips!
PTA Hosts New Year’s Breakfast for Staff
On Monday, January 6th, our amazing PTA hosted a delicious New Year’s breakfast for our staff. We are so grateful for the continued support of our PTA.
Thank you for your continued support of our students and school community. Have a wonderful weekend!
Warm regards,
Carrie Keramis
WSMS PTA Updates:
Paint and Pizza Night - January 30th at 6pm. Cost is $15 per person. Registration includes 2 slices of pizza, a bottle of water, and all necessary painting supplies. Family Paint night is NOT a drop off event. There are a limited number of seats, registration closes 1/22 or earlier if we run out of seats. Click here for more information. Register here.
Upcoming dates:
1/30 Pizza and Paint Night, Register here.
3/13 Comedy Night - Parents Night Out. Register here.