Parent Weekly 9/13/24

September 13, 2024

Dear West Shore Middle School Families,

We have just finished our first full week of school, and I am pleased to share that our students are adjusting well to their new routines. It’s great to see their enthusiasm and engagement as we kick off the school year!

I want to remind everyone that we have an early dismissal next Wednesday, scheduled for teacher professional learning. School will dismiss at 12:45 PM, so please plan accordingly.

This week, we also held our first PTA meeting of the year, and I am delighted to report that we had a nice turnout. The PTA shared some exciting plans for family events throughout the year. The first of these events is the Family Picnic, which will take place next Friday from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. We hope to see many of you there for an evening of fun and community building!

We still have a few slots left in our WAVE program, and I encourage you to consider signing your child up. This program offers West Shore students a supportive environment after school, where they can receive homework help and participate in two enriching classes each day. Past class options have included Art, Basketball, Newspaper Writing, Board Game Fanatics, Coding, and much more! It’s a wonderful opportunity for our students to explore new interests and build skills in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.For more information and to access the application, please see the attached flyer.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to another fantastic week ahead!

Warm regards,

Carrie Keramis


Upcoming Dates:

9/15 - Spirit Wear Orders Due

9/15 - Mums Orders Due

9/18 - Early Release @ 12:45

9/20 - Family Picnic (5:30 - 6:30)

West Shore PTA Updates:

It was great to see so many people at our first PTA meeting of the year.  WE WANT TO HERE FROM YOU!  Please complete this super quick google form to share your thoughts about some proposed Family Events.  As always, don’t forget to join PTA, minutes from this past meeting and an agenda will be sent out to all members in the coming weeks.