West Shore Middle School


Dear West Shore Families-

It was great to see so many families here for conferences this week! We truly appreciate our partnership with you. I encourage you to reach out to your child’s teachers any time you have questions or concerns throughout the year. 

I sent out our second episode of the West Shore Insider this week. We did a quick video about the consensus models our students are engaging with during science. Please take just two minutes to view this if you haven’t seen it yet.

Our Morning News crew has really hit the ground running with their daily morning newscasts. 

We started after school activities and late buses this week. The kids seemed to really enjoy themselves. Next week we will have our first full week of activities so every club/sport will have met. 

Please note that the marking period ends on Friday, November 3rd. Final grades need to be in Powerschool by November, 17th and report cards will be released on November 21st. It is very important that you check your child’s grades in Powerschool so you can make sure they are on top of turning in any missing assignments before grades close. Remember, they can sign up to see any teacher during ASA if they need assistance. 

Please consider donating to our Annual Thanks for Giving Food Drive. Click here for more information. 

Please see the message below about morning drop off from Officer Clark:

Dear WS Families,

With the school year in full swing, I would like to take a few minutes to review drop off procedures, to keep our kids safe!  When dropping your child in the morning please remember to:

1. Pull all the way up to the last cone. By doing this, we can get the maximum number of cars in the line and get everyone on their way quickly. 

2. Stay in line. Please do not attempt to pass another vehicle on the left, that is in front of you. Please be patient so we can avoid accidents.

3. Stay single file. Please do not attempt to squeeze into the driveway by pulling into the oncoming traffic lane. This causes issues with buses and vehicles attempting to exit the driveway. 

4.Do not enter the driveway until there is room for you to do so. Attempting to turn when there is not room, causes your vehicle to block the flow of traffic and makes it difficult for residents to pass through.

5. Please do not drop your child off on Kay Ave. Utilizing The designated drop off area ensures that your child will enter school safely and will not have to cross in front of traffic that is on the road. 

Thank you for your support and cooperation. 


Ofc. Clark 

Please see the dates of note below:

  • Picture day October 27th

  • Report cards released November, 21


Carrie Keramis


West Shore PTA Updates:

Thank you to everyone who completed the spirit wear survey!  Stay tuned for the winning design and information on ordering.

Lyman Orchards Pie and Classic Cookie Dough Fundraiser - Delivery is just in time for Thanksgiving!  Order deadline is TOMORROW, 10/21, order pickup is 11/16 from 4:30 - 6:30.  For more information click here.  To register and sell online click here

National PTA School of Excellence Program:  We are excited to be participating in the program.  Click here for the welcome letter and here to help inform our next steps by completing the survey.  Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

Opt out of fundraising - If you wish to opt out of participating in our fundraising or just wish to make a donation to PTA, that can be done here.

8th Grade Committee: Boo Grams will be sold during all lunch waves this coming week.  Students can send a Boo Gram to a friend for $1.00/Boo Gram. For more information click here.