Parent Weekly 9/8/23


Dear West Shore Families-

So we survived the heat wave of 2023! I have to say I am grateful that we had air conditioning in all classrooms so we did not suffer too badly. 

We are looking forward to starting after school clubs and activities. They will be starting the week of October 16th along with the late buses. Your students will be getting information about the different clubs in the next few weeks.  Please encourage them with getting involved!

Please see the dates of note below:

  • West Shore Open House on September 18th from 6:00-8:00. 

  • Parent/Teacher Conferences: Wednesday, October 18th  5:30-8:00 p.m. Thursday, October 19th  1:05-3:05 p.m. Directions to sign up will follow in next week’s news!

Enjoy the weekend.


Carrie Keramis


West Shore PTA Updates:

The September PTA meeting is Wednesday, September 20th at 6:30 pm in the media center.

PTA membership - Please consider becoming a member of the WSMS PTA.  Memberships can be purchased at  For those of you who have already signed up, thank-you we appreciate the support. 

Food Drive:  September is Hunger Action Month.  West Shore PTA In association with the Purple Pantry Boxes will be collecting shelf stable foods for the month of September.  Click here for more information.  Donations can be placed in the bin in the school lobby.

Save the date:  September 18th the 8th grade committee is hosting a fundraiser at Silver Sands Pizza.  10% of sales will be donated to the PTA.  Same evening as Open House - Let us help make your dinner plans a little easier on a busy evening!

Mums Sale:  Orders are due by Friday, September 22nd.  Click here for more information.  Orders can be placed here.

Family Outdoor Movie Night:  Save the date Friday, October 6th beginning at 6:30.  More details in the coming weeks.