Parent Weekly 5/12/23


Dear West Shore Families-

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our WSMS moms! I hope your families spoil you rotten this weekend! Last night the Board of Alderman voted to restore the school budget almost to its entirety. This is great news! We no longer have to worry about a potential school closing!

At this week’s Board of Education meeting 8th graders Sadie T and Josef K were honored with the CABE award for their positive impact on our school community. We are proud that Sadie and Josef were selected to represent our school. They are both amazing kids who contribute to our school community in numerous ways.

The administration of the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) continues next week as our students complete the ELA assessments and any make-ups that need to be done. Please make sure all students come to school with their Chromebooks charged so they will be able to access the testing platform. 

On Thursday evening the chorus gave an amazing performance. We are so proud of our students and grateful to Mr. Nunno for his work with them.

Don’t forget to attend the BMX bike safety show on Saturday, May 20th. One lucky kid will be winning the SE bike and the show is gonna be awesome.  The flier is in the information section.

We have an early dismissal on Wednesday next week for teacher professional development. We will dismiss at 12:45. 

Carrie Keramis, Principal


  • 8th grade Stepping Up Ceremony will be on Friday June 9th at JLAW auditorium. The ceremony will be at 5:00

  • May 16: Seventh Grade Trip to Mystic Aquarium

  • May 16: Weststock, 6pm

  • May 17: Early Dismissal for Students

  • May 17: Band & Strings Concert, 6:30 p.m.

  • May 18: District wide Art Show at Parson’s 

  • Saturday, May 20th at 12:30 WSMS will have a BMX show for bike safety. Please click here for the full-sized flier. We will be raffling off a SE Bike and there will be a limited number of bike helmets given away. You must be present to win the bike.

  • May 26: Last Day of WAVE

  • May 26: JLAW is hosting a Multicultural Night and invites you to attend. Click here for the flier. 

  • May 29: No School - Memorial Day

  • May 31: Middle School Track Meet (rain date: June 2)

  • May 31, June 1-2: Seventh Grade Trips to Audubon Coastal Center

  • June 1: WSMS Drama presents The Wizard of Oz, 7 p.m.

  • June 2: WSMS Drama presents The Wizard of Oz, 7 p.m.

  • June 5: 6th Grade Field Trip to Adventure Park

  • June 7: Eighth Grade Trip to Holiday Hill

  • SBA Testing will conclude May 19th 

  • The Milford Historical Society is looking for student docent volunteers. Click here for more information. Have a great weekend!