Dear West Shore Families-
¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo! It looks like the weather is making a change in the right direction and it will soon feel like May!
On Friday last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Southern CT Association of School Superintendents’ award luncheon where our very own 8th grader Akshitha was given an award for her academic achievement and outstanding citizenship. I love the opportunity to show off one of our many amazing Wildcats!
Speaking of amazing Wildcats, 7th grader Bhavana won the Milford Prevention Council’s billboard contest! You can see it by the train station. We are so proud of her!
The administration of the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) continues next week with our ELA assessments. Please make sure all students come to school with their Chromebooks charged so they will be able to access the testing platform.
Tickets for our bike raffle go on sale next week during the lunch waves. The tickets will cost $5.00 and there is no limit but you must be present at the BMX bike show to win. We will raffle the bike at the end of the performance. The flier is in the information section.
Next week is Teacher Appreciation and our PTA has been busy planning treats for the staff. Thank you to all of the parents who donated and helped make this happen.
UPDATE: 8th grade Stepping Up Ceremony will be on Friday June 9th at JLAW auditorium. The ceremony will be at 5:00
May 11th last day for after school activities
May 16: Seventh Grade Trip to Mystic Aquarium
May 16: Weststock, 6pm
May 17: Early Dismissal for Students
May 17: Band & Strings Concert, 6:30 p.m.
May 18: District wide Art Show at Parson’s
Saturday, May 20th at 12:30 WSMS will have a BMX show for bike safety. Please click here for the full sized flier. We will be raffling off a SE Bike and there will be a limited number of bike helmets given away.
May 26: Last Day of WAVE
JLAW is hosting a Multicultural Night and invites you to attend. Click here for the flier.
May 29: No School - Memorial Day
May 31: Middle School Track Meet (rain date: June 2)
May 31, June 1-2: Seventh Grade Trips to Audubon Coastal Center
June 1: WSMS Drama presents The Wizard of Oz, 7 p.m.
June 2: WSMS Drama presents The Wizard of Oz, 7 p.m.
June 7: Eighth Grade Trip to Holiday Hill
WSMS and the Great Milford Boat Race are in need of more materials A.S.A.P. for their builds. Click here for more information on this event and how you can help.
SBA Testing will begin May5th and concludeMay 19th
Local Student Mackenzie Powers is inviting you to a beach cleanup event. Click here for the flier
The Milford Historical Society is looking for student docent volunteers. Click here for more information. Have a great weekend!
Carrie Keramis, Principal