West Shore Middle School


Dear West Shore Families-

It was a quiet week here at WSMS. On Wednesday we had an early dismissal for staff professional learning. We are continuing to focus on high quality instructional practices and each department has been working on a different focus area. On Thursday the kids had fun wearing blue for Autism Awareness month. 

We are also prepping for the administration of the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA). This will begin next week with our math assessments. Please make sure all students come to school with their Chromebooks charged so they will be able to access the testing platform. 

This week Mr. Hayes and I attended the Board of Alderman meeting where Dr. Cutaia presented the school budget and why we need every dollar! She did an amazing job and I felt that the presentation was well received. Next week we are hoping they will vote to reinstate the funds that were cut by the Board of Finance. 


  • UPDATE: 8th grade Stepping Up Ceremony will be on Friday June 9th at JLAW auditorium. The ceremony will be at 5:00

  • Saturday, May 20th at 12:30 WSMS will have a BMX show for bike safety. Please click here for the   full sized flier. We will be raffling off a SE Bike and there will be a limited number of bike helmets given away. 

  • WSMS and the Great Milford Boat Race are in need of more materials A.S.A.P. for their builds. Click here for more information on this event and how you can help.

  • SBA Testing will begin May5th and conclude May 19th 

  • Local Student Mackenzie Powers is inviting you to a beach cleanup event. Click here for the flier

  • The Milford Historical Society is looking for student docent volunteers. Click here for more information. Have a great weekend!