Parent Weekly 3/31/23


Dear West Shore Families-

 It was another busy week here at West Shore Middle School.  There was a pickleball tournament in the gym, students were working in bands to prepare for Weststock, and the winners of the first student run “Box Buddy” contest were announced. In the media center, the March Madness book bracket is being finalized.  The voting is in, and Mrs. Vaccino is counting the votes!   It is down to,  Because of Winn-Dixie and Hatchet.  As you all know, I am a dog person so I am pulling for Because of Winn-Dixie.  

It was wonderful to see many of you here for Parent/Teacher conferences this week! We value our partnership with our families and remind you that we are always available to meet with you. Monday is the official start of the fourth semester. Spring is here! The students have many exciting events to look forward to this spring! We have field trips, track meets, concerts, and picnics! 

Our Animal Lovers Club needs your t-shirts.  If you have any in your donate piles, please them in. They will be used to make dog toys to donate to local shelters.

As you know, the Board of Finance cut 1.8 million dollars from the school budget which has the potential to cause the district to cut staff, programs, courses, or even close a school. The Board of Alderman has the power to reinstate the funds so if you are in support of that please consider going to the BOA meeting on Monday night at 7:30 and voice your concerns. 

And I leave you with a message from Mr. Stack: Plastic Bottles needed for the first ever ”Recycled Regatta and Boat Race” in Milford. All three Middle schools will be racing  on June 4th, “Pirate Day”, to see which school will rule the recycled seas. The boats from each school will be large and piloted by two  brave and daring staff members from each school who will try to win the day. We need your help to collect enough plastic bottles to build Westshore’s boat. Please help us rule the seas with your donations. 


  • Yearbooks are on sale!  Please order through  school code is: 1956323

  • PTA will need a new Executive Board for next year. Please consider getting involved! Next PTA Meeting 4/19 6:30

  • Friday, April 7 - No school in recognition of Good Friday.

  • Monday, April 10 - Friday, April 14 - No school for Spring Recess.

  • Wednesday, April 26 - Early dismissal for staff professional learning. Students are dismissed at 12:45 PM.

Have a great weekend!

Carrie Keramis, Principal