Dear West Shore Families-
What a great night we had on Wednesday! I was so happy to see how many families came out for the Staff vs. Student basketball game. We had a ton of kids play and lots were there cheering on. Lucky for the staff, there are a few amazing players on their team and we won by a good margin. Let me tell you, they enjoyed their bragging rights on Thursday! It made my heart happy to see the strong relationships here between staff and students. Just another reason why West is Best!
Next week we have early dismissal on Wednesday and Thursday for parent teacher conferences. School will dismiss at 12:45. We are looking forward to seeing our parents here in the building. If you haven’t signed up make sure you do!
Our 8th grade health students put on a health fair for the 6th graders in the media center this week. I was so proud of how prepared they were and with the variety of information they shared with the kids. I am grateful to Mrs. Woolf and Mrs. Mikucki for planning this. It is always meaningful for students to learn from other students.
And this week we wrapped up our Music in Our Schools Month with our 6th grade chorus students doing a district wide concert with the 5th graders. Hopefully this gives the incoming 6th graders a taste of how great chorus will be for them next year.
Yearbooks are on sale! Please order through https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/ school code is: 1956323
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on March 29 & 30. Click here to sign up before noon on Monday, 3/27.
PTA will need a new Executive Board for next year. Please consider getting involved!
Have a great weekend!
Carrie Keramis, Principal