OHS Family News 12/22/22


OHS Family News


Happy Holidays OHS Eagles, 


Here is to wishing you all of the joys and blessings of the season.  This is a great time of year to reflect on the many blessings and opportunities in our lives.  We are forever grateful for the collective efforts of our entire learning community.  Our learners at Orchard Hills are incredibly passionate, eager to grow and compassionate young children.  We are lucky to be able to watch them grow each year. 

I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to all who make Orchard Hills School an amazing place to learn and grow!  Wishing you health and happiness in the new year.  

Warm Regards, 

Mrs. Scionti


Important Information 

  • Dec. 23rd- Jan 2nd- No School (winter break).  We return to school on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023

  • Spirit Days- Click here to see our OHS Spirit Days for the 2022-2023 school year! 

  • Food Services Update-  Please click here for an important update from Food Services regarding free breakfast and lunch services.

  • Students are reminded to bring a refillable water bottle each day  

  • Kids Heart Challenge-  Mr. Cala will be running the Kids Heart Challenge through the American Heart Association.  We will kick off the campaign at OHS on January 23rd!  You can find out more information here: OHS WebsiteSave_the_Date.pdf

  • This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter (CCC News)  has links to help with housing, finding therapists, Pop Up food pantry and the Kids Closet.    Each week information about Milford's providers & their programs are listed . You will also find ideas for family friendly activities & places to visit.  And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources.  The CCC will be available during break Dec. 27th--Dec. 29th.  Call Cara Descenzo at (203) 301-5664 or by email at cdescenzo@milforded.org


PTA Information

  • OHS PTA Drama Club with Pantochino- See the flier for details about this after school club:aliceinwonderland.pdf

  • The next PTA meeting will be held on January 11th, 2023.

  • Please consider joining the OHS PTA in order to support all of the fun upcoming events. If you join, you will also receive an OHS car magnet!!  You can join here:  QR Code- OHS PTA As a member, you will also have first access to volunteer opportunities!



Mrs. Sarah Scionti

Principal, Orchard Hills Elementary School

@PrincipalSarah (Follow me on Twitter)