OHS Family News
Dear OHS Eagles,
We had another wonderful week at Orchard Hills!
We had just over 1,000 toys donated for our Toys for Tots event.
Thank you to all the staff and families who donated. What a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season.
Our next Spirit Day is (another!!) Pajama Day on Friday, December 16th. The last PJ day (12/2) was in support of a fundraiser run by the Student Leadership Team! Spirit Days- Click here to see our OHS Spirit Days for the 2022-2023 school year!
Reminder- Students should bring a water bottle to school each day so they can use our refillable water stations.
Report Cards: Your child’s Report Card will be available on Friday 12/16 after 1:00pm to view/print in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The report card can be accessed right from the grades and attendance screen. You must access it from your web browser and not the Powerschool App. Use the following link to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal. https://gradebook.milforded.org Below is a screen-shot of the page. Should you have any issues logging into PowerSchool please contact the IT Department - computerhelpdesk@milforded.org or 203-783-3446.
Food Services Update- Please click here for an important update from Food Services regarding free breakfast and lunch services.
Upcoming Events
Holiday Fair- The PTA will be running the Holiday Fair on 12/15-16. Please see the PTA facebook page for details.
OHS 5th Grade Winter Concert is December 15th at 6:30pm. Please see the flier for details: OHSWinterConcert2022.pdf
Winter Sing Along- We will hold a school wide sing along on Thursday, December 22nd. Our students and staff will participate in various holiday singalongs. Please notify your child’s teacher if you would not like your child to attend this event. Please note that we cannot accommodate visitors for this event due to the size of our gym.
Restaurant Night- Our next PTA Restaurant night is Mama Teresa’s Restaurant on December 15th! Just in time for our Winter Concert. You can order some delicious food and enjoy some musical delights that evening.
Important Information
People Empowering People (PEP) Program for 2022-23: Check out the details here:
PEP Introductory Letter Winter 2022-23.pdf
OHS School Counseling Website- Check out the new resources added!
Spirit Days- Click here to see our OHS Spirit Days for the 2022-2023 school year!
REMINDER: Students are required to swipe their cards when entering and exiting the bus and at lunch. Please remind students to bring their student swipe cards with them daily.
OHS Care Closet
We would love to tell you about a resource we have available: The Orchard Hills Care Closet. Parents and families- if you would like to donate towards the Care closet, please contact Naomi. OHS Care Closet
With winter and holidays around the corner- please let us know if you are in need of winter coats/accessories, assistance with holiday gifts for your children or food for your holidays. If you or your family can benefit, please reach out privately to our school social worker: Naomi DaPaz. Her direct office line: (203)- 783-6684 or via email: ndapaz@milforded.org
Family Connection
SEL Anchor Tool and Parent Companion Guide of the Month
Mood Meter is a tool to recognize and regulate your feelings by teaching self and
social awareness. Click on the link to learn how to utilize the Mood Meter at home! Questions? Contact Mrs. Dickson via email: mdickson@milforded.org.
Copy of Community Connection Center Expansion Notice
This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter (CCC News) has links to a voluntary safety recall regarding children's cups and Governor's Lamont's invitation to visit the Governor's Mansion. Each week information about Milford's providers & their programs are listed . You will also find ideas for family friendly activities & places to visit. And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources. Have a Safe & Healthy weekend!-- Mrs. Williams & Mrs. Dasczeno
OHS virtual kids club counseling suite
Important Dates
Dec. 15th- OHS 5th Grade Winter Concert at 6:30pm
Dec. 15th &16th- PTA Holiday Fair (during the school day)
Dec. 23rd- Jan 2nd- No School (winter break)
Lost and Found
Please have your child check the LOST and FOUND if they are missing something by December 9th. All items will be donated after that date. Thank you!
PTA Information
The next PTA meeting will be held on January 11th, 2023.
The PTA School Store will be open again on Wednesday, Dec. 21st! They plan to be open several Wednesdays in January as well! You can check the ohs pta facebook page for more information.
Please consider joining the OHS PTA in order to support all of the fun upcoming events. If you join, you will also receive an OHS car magnet!! You can join here: QR Code- OHS PTA
As a member, you will also have first access to volunteer opportunities!
Mrs. Sarah Scionti
Principal, Orchard Hills Elementary School
@PrincipalSarah (Follow me on Twitter)