OHS Family News
Dear OHS Eagles,
Thank you so much to all of the families who attended our OHS PTA Welcome Back Picnic. What a delightful evening with great friends and food! We look forward to many more opportunities like this during the school year.
Grade 2 Highlight
Grade 2 students identified what being their “Best Self” would look and feel like in school and outside of school. We have some very compassionate and considerate learners! Also, Grade 2 students engaged in subitizing on Day 5 of school!!! They amazed us with their ability to share their thinking, listen to others and learn from each other.
Peanut-free- All classrooms have a peanut-free snack policy. Due to allergies within rooms, should your child have a peanut based product for lunch, please ensure that it is labeled and separated from the classroom snack.
No food for celebrations- At the elementary level, we do not use food as a part of our class celebrations (birthdays, holidays, end of year parties). Please do not send or bring in food or candy to your children's classroom for parties or other reasons. For birthdays or other special events, we invite family members in to read a book or do a craft with students as part of the celebration. Please coordinate any visits with the classroom teacher well in advance.
Eating lunch with your child- parents/guardians are permitted to come into school and eat lunch with their child occasionally. Due to our growing size and room availability, this is only permitted on Tuesdays in the Band/Strings Room. Please coordinate any lunch time visits with Lauren Paone, our school secretary (lpaone@milforded.org).
A couple of reminders:
Students should bring a water bottle to school each day so they can use our refillable water stations.
Students should wear appropriate clothing (sneakers, etc.) on days when they have PE as they will be very active.
Students need to bring their student ID/badge to school each day
Spirit Days- Click here to see our OHS Spirit Days for the 2022-2023 school year!
Family Connection
SEL Anchor Tool and Parent Companion Guide of the Month
Charter = represents agreed upon norms for how everyone wants to feel, what everyone needs to do to feel that way consistently, and how to handle conflict & unwanted feelings. Click on the link to learn how to implement the Charter in your home! Questions? Contact Mrs. Dickson via email: mdickson@milforded.org.
Important Dates
Sept. 20th at 6:00pm- OHS Open House
Sept. 21st - Early dismissal for students at 1:25pm
Sept. 23rd ~ wear GOLD for childhood cancer awareness day!
September 26 - No School- Rosh Hashanah
Picture Day- Sept. 30th
October 5 - No School - Yom Kippur
October 19 - 21 - Early dismissal at 1:15pm for Parent Conferences (more info. to follow)
Mrs. Sarah Scionti
Principal, Orchard Hills Elementary School
@PrincipalSarah (Follow me on Twitter)