Dear OHS Families,
Thankful November
This week we are thankful for all Veterans! We honored Veterans Day in many meaningful ways here at OHS. Mrs. Hardt’s class led the morning announcements with a schoolwide pledge of allegiance and Mr. Pilla led the class in several songs for the entire learning community to enjoy!
Our very own Veteran, Brian Coleman!
Mrs. Hardt’s class alongside Mr. Pilla led a school-wide pledge and Veteran’s Day celebration during announcements this morning!
Follow me on Twitter to see more: @PrincipalSarah
Friday, Nov. 19th is Disney Character Day!!!
PTA Information
Online Book Fair -Click on this link to get started!
Pop’s Restaurant Day-- Coming soon the next PTA Restaurant Day- November 17th - Pop’s Restaurant!! Place your order for breakfast, lunch or dinner and mention Orchard Hills School!
Fundraising Opportunity- the OHS PTA will be sending home information about an exciting and easy fundraiser called Boon Supplies (formerly known as Mixed Bags). This fundraiser begins 10/18/21 and will run for 3 weeks. More information will be sent home or visit the website:
PTA Membership- To join our wonderful PTA, click on the following link: https://orchardhills.memberhub.com/
Important Information
District Communication- Please take a minute to review
Drills- We conducted a safety drill this week. We practice safety drills throughout the year to increase familiarity and efficiency with respect to our students and staff’s responses in the event of an emergency. These practice drills allow us to evaluate our emergency operation plans and improve our response skills.
Important Dates:
Wednesday, November 24th- Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving Recess @ 1:25 p.m.
No School Thursday, Nov 25, 2021 and Friday, Nov 26, 2021 for Thanksgiving Recess
Wednesday, December 1st- Trimester 1 ends
Friday, December 17th - Families access report cards in Powerschool
Family Connection
November Tech Tip - November Family Tech Tip focusing on Securly.
Lost & Found
Our lost and found is growing as the weather changes and layers are being worn. Here are a couple of the items we have. Please ask your student to go to the Greeter station to see Ms. Gina and they can retrieve their lost item.
Thank you,
Mrs. Sarah Scionti
Principal, Orchard Hills Elementary School
@PrincipalSarah (Follow me on Twitter)