OHS Family News


Dear OHS Families, 

Just a reminder there is an early dismissal on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd.  Students will be dismissed at 1:25pm.   Be mindful that bus drop off should be about 2 hours earlier than normal.  

Virtual Open House-  The virtual Open House will take place on September 23rd at 6:00pm.  Please see the electronic invitation from your classroom teacher with google meet links.  We look forward to seeing you there! 

OHS Spirit Days are back!!  Here are the details:  OHS Spirit Days 21-22


This week we are highlighting our new school counselor, 

Elizabeth Potenziani.

Hello! My name is Elizabeth Potenziani and I am the new school counselor here at OHS! I received my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Providence College, and my Master of Science in School Counseling at Southern Connecticut State University. As the school counselor, I am here to support all students and their families.  All students will be receiving the school counseling curriculum.  The curriculum covers social/emotional, academic, and future career/postsecondary domains.  I may see students individually, in groups, or in classrooms.  I will be delivering classroom lessons once a month for each class based on the core domains of the curriculum.  Please reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, or if I can help support your child in any way! 


Elementary Bus Seating

Bus Seating:  To further our safety efforts for our learners, our elementary schools, in collaboration with Durham Bus Company are  developing a bus seating chart with assigned seats.  The goal for each bus-riding student is to minimize the number of students quarantined should an individual on the bus tested positive. Over the course of the week or so, students will be assigned their seats. Buses will have stickers with row numbers above the window to assist in students locating the proper seat.  You can help by: 

  • Reminding your child to sit in their assigned seat at all times. Having your child stay in their assigned seat will help support their safety and the safety of others to stay healthy while on the bus.   

  • Having students  wear their masks for the entire ride.

These protocols are necessary to mitigate exposure and spread of the COVID virus.  Thank you for your cooperation and partnership in this important matter.  Our schools will be working diligently to get these seat assignments and please understand there may be a delay as we implement this process of assigned seating on the bus over the next weeks.


Contact Tracing

Protocol for Contacting Tracing after school hours and on weekends

When a school receives notification of a possible positive COVID-19 case there may be times particularly when we are notified after school hours or on weekends, that families will be sent an email indicating that their child is to stay home the next school day and that a school nurse will contact the family to discuss the matter and provide guidance on what happens. We thank you for your cooperation as we continue to navigate through these times together and put safety first. 


Students Drop off and pick up reminders

  • Pull to the far right of the roadway as possible.

  • Activate your vehicle's flashers so other traffic is aware of your intentions. 

  • Be a good citizen and do not block our neighbors' driveways. 

  • Keep a 25-foot distance from intersecting streets while waiting in line.

  • When exiting the school parking lot, please turn right to reduce congestion in the area.


PTA Information

New Members

The OHS PTA has a new portal for registering.  

They have made it quick and easy for families to join.  Each new member will receive a free OHS tote bag if they register by the end of September!

PTA Membership- Please consider joining our OHS PTA (click here)!   Our PTA is run entirely by OHS families who are volunteers committed to supporting our learning community.

Do you want to stay current on news and exciting events throughout the school year?  Follow OHS & the PTA on social media: 


Orchard Hills PTA



@PrincipalSarah (Mrs. Scionti)

@mrs_ohs (Mrs. Dickson)


Important Dates

  • Early Dismissal: September 22nd - Students will be dismissed at 1:25. Be mindful that bus drop off should be about 2 hours earlier than normal. 

  • Thursday, September 23rd- Virtual Open House 6:00pm

Thank you, 

Mrs. Sarah Scionti

Principal, Orchard Hills Elementary School

@PrincipalSarah (Follow me on Twitter)