OHS Family News

Dear OHS Families, 

We had a wonderful opening to the school year here at OHS!!  It was great to see all of our learning community come together and have children’s laughter back in our classrooms!  Thank you for your continued support of Orchard Hills School!  Please enjoy the following slideshow of new staff and staff that are in new roles.  We hope this helps families become more familiar with the team at OHS. 

Enjoy the long weekend and we will see everyone on 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021.  


This week we are highlighting our new STEM lab.  Our OHS Engineers were planning, creating and innovating all in the first few days of school! 


  • OHS Spirit Days are back!! Please review this document so you can mark your calendars.   

  • Arrival/Dismissal Reminders-  thank you for your patience and cooperation as we fine tune our arrival and dismissal procedures. 

  • Is your student interested in growing our Band & Strings program??   Click here to find out more: http://milfordstringsandband.weebly.com/

    • Anyone interested in playing (not already registered) can register and then click on the link for instrument vendors and rent their instrument.

  • Teaching and Learning Hub: This week the Teaching and Learning Department shared with the Milford Public Schools Teaching and Learning Community Hub, an online space for our community to access curricular materials and resources as well as a virtual space to access additional information to support our home school partnership. You may access the Milford Public Schools Teaching and Learning Community Hub via this link.


PTA Information

  • PTA Membership- Please consider joining our OHS PTA (click here)!   Our PTA is run entirely by OHS families who are volunteers committed to supporting our learning community.

  • Do you want to stay current on news and exciting events throughout the school year?  Follow OHS & the PTA on social media: 


Orchard Hills PTA



@PrincipalSarah (Mrs. Scionti)

@mrs_ohs (Mrs. Dickson)


Important Dates

  • Monday September 6th - No School: Labor Day

  • Tuesday September 7th - No School: Rosh Hashanah

  • Thursday, September 16th - No School: Yom Kippur

  • Wednesday, September 22nd - ERD - Student Dismissal at 1:40 PM

  • Thursday, September 23rd- Virtual Open House 6:00pm (more to come!)

Thank you, 

Mrs. Sarah Scionti

Principal, Orchard Hills Elementary School

@PrincipalSarah (Follow me on Twitter)