Dear OHS Eagles, 

Today is a wonderful reminder of the power of kindness, compassion, and connection. At Orchard Hills, we strive to nurture a community where every child feels valued, supported, and loved. This Valentine's Day, let's celebrate the small acts of kindness that make a big difference—whether it’s a friendly smile, a helping hand, or a kind word.

Thank you for being such an important part of our school family. Your support, encouragement, and care help make our school a warm and welcoming place for all. 


Read Across America Week is March 3rd - 7th.  Below are the exciting ways we will celebrate our love for reading at OHS.

In the OHS PTA section below you will find the following document linked that has details on registering for upcoming PTA events and activities.    


Important Dates:

  • MPS 2024-2025 School Calendar

  • 2024-2025 OHS Spirit Fridays

  • February 14th & 17th- Winter Recess, No School

  • February 21st - Sweetheart Dance at OHS  https://app.givebacks.gives/e46582/Campaign/Details

  • February 26th- Early Release at 1:25 pm for all students

  • March 3rd- 7th- Read Across America Week

  • March 5th- No School, Professional learning day for staff

  • March 17th- Wear Green 

  • March 18th- 20th- Parent Teacher Conferences, early dismissal at 1:15pm for all students

  • April 2nd- Wear Blue in honor of World Autism Awareness Day

  • April 18th- No School

  • April 21- 25th- Spring Recess

  • April 30th- Early Release day for all students at 1:25pm

Upcoming & Important News

Upcoming Dates:

  • PTA Plant Sale:  May 8th & May 9th 

  • Teacher Appreciation Week: May 5th - 9th

  • (Tentative) Field Day date:  May 28th (rain date: May 29th)

  • (Tentative) 5th grade Send Off and Clap Out date:  June 3rd (rain date: June 4th)

Kindergarten Registration is now open for the 2025-2026 school year!  Please click here for more information: 2025-26 Kindergarten Registration Press Release

Birthday Celebrations

Food Service

MPS food service website.  

January Menu- Elementary

OHS PTA Information - Click HERE for more information on upcoming events and programs

OHS Spirit Days - 2024-2025 OHS Spirit Fridays

SEL Anchor Tool and Parent Companion Guide of the Month Hopes and Dreams  provides children and adults with the opportunity to set their own social/academic goals. 

Click on this LINK to find out how you can utilize this tool at home. Please contact Mrs. Dickson with any questions: mdickson@milforded.org.

Lost and Found Alert! We've gathered a collection of forgotten clothing and water bottles from classrooms and the gym. Please have your student swing by our front table to claim their missing items!

Community Connection Center- Be sure to check out this week's CCC News.

Milford Health Department Health Guidelines- Please click on the link to view a message from the Milford Health Depaim regarding health guidelines: Milford Health Dept.

Warm Regards, 

Sarah Scionti


Orchard Hills Elementary School

Follow us on Twitter:  @PrincipalSarah