OHS Family News
Dear OHS Families,
We celebrated our 100th day of learning, Groundhog Day and Wear Red for Heart Health today at Orchard Hills! What a way to end the week.
We had a wonderful Grade 4 Informance Concert on Wednesday night. Our musicians should be very proud of themselves.
SPIN, POP, BOOM with Mad Science
The Mad Scientist defies gravity in the energetic and spectacular assembly. The students were enthralled by the exotic sounds of the didgeridoo tubes. The foam explosion also captured their attention! Thank you to our OHS PTA for supporting this event.
Kids Heart Challenge- Please click HERE for information as we will kick off the Heart Challenge with an assembly on Monday, Feb. 5th.
Valentines - Please note a small card (and pencil or bookmark) is welcome for Valentine’s Day. Food or candy of any kind is prohibited due to allergy concerns. Parents/Families are encouraged to come in to read to their child’s class!
Planning for College (K-Grade 5 Parents) - Mark your calendars for Thursday, February 8! How to Start Saving for College, a free event with free dinner and childcare, will be held at JFK School (404 West Ave) from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm. Click here for more information, including registration (pre-registration required).
Important Dates:
Feb 7th- World Read Aloud Day!
Feb. 7th- Early Release for all students at 1:25pm
Feb 16th & Feb 19th- NO SCHOOL
Feb. 24th- Early Release for all students at 1:25pm
Electronic Devices Reminder
We have had an increasing number of students bring cell phones and smartwatches to school. At the elementary level - No use of a cell phone/smartwatch or other personal communication device will be permitted during school hours. These devices must be turned off or on silent and left in backpacks, stored in a student’s locker/cubbie or other place designated by building administration. Use of Cell Phones or Other Personal Communication Devices P-5131.81. Thank you for supporting us in this matter!
Kindergarten Registration The December assessment appointment window is closed for those families that have requested a waiver for their child to enter into Kindergarten for the 2024 - 2025 school year. If you requested a waiver, but did not have the opportunity to schedule a December appointment, you will receive a communication in the near future to make an appointment for the next Kindergarten Waiver assessment. The online Kindergarten registration will remain open, if you have not had the opportunity to register, please do so.
Milford Resources for OHS Families Please see HERE for more information.
With the winter around the corner, please let us know if you are in need of:
winter coats, gloves, hats, boots etc
holiday gifts for your children
food for your holidays
If any of these resources can be helpful to your family, please feel free to privately email me: ndapaz@milforded.org or call : (203) 783-6684. We are here to help! Thank you, Ms. DaPaz
Planning for College (K-Grade 5 Parents) - Mark your calendars for Thursday, February 8! How to Start Saving for College, a free event with free dinner and childcare, will be held at JFK School (404 West Ave) from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm. Click here for more information, including registration (pre-registration required).
Math is EVERYWHERE- Room 17 and the Milford Arts Council’s “Math is EVERYWHERE” showcases KG - Grade 12 students as artists through various media (music, digital media, dance, photography, painting, sculpting, etc.) that incorporates math. Click HERE for more information, including submission details, deadlines, and prizes.
OHS PTA Information
DANCE- PTA Sweetheart Dance - Friday, Feb. 9th- more details to come.
Registration link - https://orchardhills.memberhub.com/store/items/977519
Raffle items donations - https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/9040C48ACAC2FA2FC1-raffle
PTA School Store- The school store will be open on most Wednesdays from 8:20-8:40am. Here is a flier with details. Most items are between .25 cents and $5.00 with the exception of the eagle squishmellows at $11.00.
5th Grade Families- Attention 5th Grade OHS Families! Activities for our 5th graders are in full swing. If you would like to join the OHS PTA 5th Grade Committee and help out, email Rebecca at rebeccaacohen@yahoo.com.
OHS Spirit Days Please see the document for the OHS Spirit Days. This is a working document, so please check back as some dates may change or be added.
Community Connection Center
This week's CCC News contains information and links for a mix of resources & fun activities. Among the community services you will find links for the CT FoodShare's Mobile Pantry, American Red Cross's Blood drive, and Adams House's Grief programs.
For Family fun you'll find information about Ct. Aubon's Mystery & Magnificence of the Snowy Owl and the Ct. Air & Space Museum.
Remember that the CCC Website is updated with links to community resources. To locate the CCC’s web page go to Milford’s main page and click on the Menu tab & scroll down under district Information to find the Community Connections Centers!
SEL Anchor Tool and Parent Companion Guide of the Month
Growth Mindset is language used at home, in the classroom, or within another environment that is specifically focused on potential and growth.
Click on the link to learn more about implementing a Growth Mindset at home! Questions? Contact Mrs. Dickson via email: mdickson@milforded.org.
Warm Regards,
Sarah Scionti
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Follow us on Twitter: @PrincipalSarah