OHS Family News
Dear OHS Eagles,
We had an exciting week at OHS! The “Stomp Out Bullying, Spread Kindness” spirit days brought great excitement and the OHS Fun Run was so enjoyable. A HUGE thank you to the OHS PTA for organizing this wonderful week for our learning community. Also, a HUGE thank you to our teachers and staff for supporting this fun-filled week. We are lucky to have such dedicated staff, students and families at OHS.
Kindergarten has a visit from the Milford Fire Department!!! We are so fortunate to have their support.
Parent Teacher Conferences (Oct. 18-20th - early dismissal @1:15pm)
Important Dates:
October 16th- 20th- Book Fair
October 18- 20th- Early Release at 1:15 for Parent Teacher Conferences
October 25th- Early Release at 1:25pm for students
Parent Teacher Conferences- The registration for conferences closes on Monday at 12pm.
Greetings, MPS Families! We are pleased to announce our Fall 2023 Elementary Conference Schedule:
*Please note that we will have a modified early dismissal time on the conference days to accommodate the conference schedule. Therefore, students will be dismissed on October 18th, October 19th, and October 20th at 1:15pm. Parents/guardians will once again have the opportunity to select a conference time through My Conference Time. All conferences will be in person unless a parent/guardian requests a Google Meet link directly from the teacher. Fall conference sign up information will be live on our school website from Friday, October 6th, at 9:00 a.m. through Monday, October 16th, at 12:00 p.m. If you prefer a virtual session, please contact the teacher to request a Google Meet link to conduct your conference virtually after you have confirmed your conference time through My Conference Time Online Scheduler. We are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s learning! Quick tip: Look for emails from “noreply@myconferencetime.com” when searching email for conference confirmation communications. |
Thanks for Giving 2023 Information- HERE
OHS Veterans Celebration Information- HERE
Electronic Devices Reminder
We have had an increasing number of students bring cell phones and smartwatches to school. At the elementary level - No use of a cell phone/smartwatch or other personal communication device will be permitted during school hours. These devices must be turned off or on silent and left in backpacks, stored in a student’s locker/cubbie or other place designated by building administration. Use of Cell Phones or Other Personal Communication Devices P-5131.81. Thank you for supporting us in this matter!
OHS PTA Information
Check out the OHS PTA's first fundraiser of the year! Photography by Elizabeth Marie is partnering with the OHS PTA to offer photography sessions to benefit the OHS PTA! To schedule a session, click here!
TRUNK OR TREAT!! Friday, October 20th 6:30- 7:30pm at OHS
The OHS PTA will be hosting the Trunk or Treat again this school year! There are limited parking spaces for decorated cars, so please sign up here: OHS Trunk or Treat Car Sign Up - October 20 - 6:30-7:30
OHS Spirit Days- Please see the document for the OHS Spirit Days. This is a working document, so please check back as some dates may change or be added.
Community Connection Center
This week's CCC News contains information and links for Milford's National Drug Take Back Day, CT FoodShare, CT Historical Barns Trail and the Riverton Country Fair. Remember that the CCC Website is updated with links to community resources.
Community Conversation: Think Big! Dream Big! The link to an updated flier is here: https://drive.google.com/file/...
SEL Anchor Tool and Parent Companion Guide of the Month
A Calming Corner is a designated area for someone to go to self-regulate.
Click on the link to learn how to implement a Calming Corner in your home! Questions? Contact Mrs. Dickson via email: mdickson@milforded.org.
Warm Regards,
Sarah Scionti
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Follow us on Twitter: @PrincipalSarah