OHS Family News
Dear OHS Eagles,
We are eagerly awaiting our first day of school on Wednesday, August 30th! Throughout this school year, we will continue to send a weekly family newsletter on Friday afternoons. This will contain pertinent school information in addition to the communication from your classroom teacher. Below you will find links to each section, so you have quick access to specific resources. Hope you enjoy the new layout!
Traffic Improvement Plan:
Please read this letter for important information regarding changes to arrival/dismissal.
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New Staff:
Please welcome our new OHS Staff:
Sarah Connery, Kindergarten Teacher
Anne Masella, Kindergarten Teacher
Brianna Pecora, School Counselor
Victoria Elliott, Resource/Special Education Teacher
Brandi Solomon, School Nurse
Alexia Petremont, Long Term Sub-Resource
New Paraprofessionals:
David Gaetano
Laura Kuchta
Nick Deveny
Samantha Testa
Sari Reid
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Welcome from our School Counselor, Ms. Pecora!
Hi Orchard Hills Community! I'm so thrilled to be joining all of you this year as your School Counselor. I truly love being a school counselor and am looking forward to supporting all of the staff, students and families in whatever ways I can. A little bit about me: I grew up on Long Island and went to Fordham University for my undergrad, prior to getting my masters at University of San Diego. I just moved back to Connecticut to be closer to family and friends here. In my spare time I love to read & hang out with my dog, Ziggy! I will be living in the neighborhood so please say hi if you see me out and about! My hope is to help create and maintain a nurturing, safe environment for all of the students here at Orchard Hills. I'm looking forward to a great year and to meeting all of you!
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Friendly Reminder: No Food or Drink on School Buses:
Just a friendly reminder this year. Food and drinks are not allowed on our school buses when students are being transported to or from school. Consuming these items while in transit can cause a safety concern; your bus driver will be reminding you as the school year gets underway.
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OHS Preschool and Kindergarten Visits
Tuesday, August 29th
Preschool Visit: 1:00-1:45 pm
Kindergarten Visit: 2:00-2:45 pm (with an optional bus ride at 2:45pm)
The Preschool and Kindergarten visits will give families the opportunity to visit their classrooms, meet their teachers and visit with other school staff. You will be able to tour the classrooms and the building while you visit. It is a great way to ease some back to school jitters.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!
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Chromebook Insurance: You Can Renew Right on the Parent Portal
Our low-cost Chromebook Insurance program is WELL worth the annual renewal fee ($25 per year). If you’ve got kids, then you already know there’s always the potential for something to happen to the Chromebook during the year: lost (~$230 replacement cost), replacement mainboard (~$90), cracked screen (~$40), broken hinges (~$15), or broken keyboard (~$60), just to name a few. For $25, you can have peace of mind and save a lot of aggravation when something goes wrong. You can reserve your Chromebook insurance right on your Parent Portal account. If you have any questions, please contact our BIDS dept. at (203) 783-3446.
Foodservice News: Breakfast/Lunch Plans Released
Free Breakfast for All, Lunch Will be Free Only for Qualifying Families
When school begins this year, the following changes will be in place regarding our Milford Food Service offerings.
Breakfast: Breakfast meals will be FREE OF CHARGE for ALL students in the Milford Public Schools. Lunch: For students who QUALIFY for free or reduced-price meals, (determined by the completion of the Free/Reduced Price Meals Application or via Direct Certification), lunch meals will continue to be offered FREE OF CHARGE.
We strongly encourage everyone to click on the appropriate link below to complete the form; many of the income benchmarks have changed over the past 2 years – and you may now qualify even if you haven’t in the past.
Free/Reduced-Price Meals Application Online
Free/Reduced-Price Meals Application (print out/paper version)
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Does Your Child Want to Play an Instrument This Year?
Just a quick reminder … if your child is interested in learning how to play a musical instrument (kids entering Grade 4 and Grade 5), don’t forget to read all the information on the Music Department Website. It is important that you click on the REGISTRATION tab in order to correctly arrange your child’s schedule.
Important Dates:
First day of school- Wednesday, August 30th
No school- Monday, September 4th
Back to School PTA Picnic- September 7th
OHS Open House- Thursday, Sept. 14th
Early release day- Wednesday, September 20th- students dismissed at 1:25pm
Warm Regards,
Sarah Scionti
Orchard Hills Elementary School
Follow us on Twitter: @PrincipalSarah