OHS Family News
Dear OHS Families,
OHS Spring Concert, Music is All Around Us, Highlights
From the OHS PTA
The week of May 8th is Teacher Appreciation Week and we want to show our OHS teachers some love! The theme for the week is “Hollywood!” Please see the schedule HERE and see below for ways you can support!
Milford Council of PTA’s Lifetime Achievement Award in honor of Marlene Sanchez will be hosted at Orchard Hills. The details can be found HERE.
Restaurant Day/Night- OHS PTA.pdf Pop’s Family Restaurant, Wednesday, May 10th from 6:00am - 8:00pm
Upcoming Dates
Click here to see updates to our OHS Spirit Days!
OHS Field Day- June 6th (rain date: 6/7)
Attention 5th grade families, please save the date for the following activities:
Parent vs Student Kickball game on 5/18 at 3:30pm
5th grade dance: 6/8 at 6:30- 8:30pm
5th grade Send Off - 6/13 during the school day (rain date: 6/14)- whole school clap out this day as well
Important Information
Ebooks- We are excited to announce that all Milford Public School Libraries now offer students the convenience of 24/7 access to age appropriate ebooks through Destiny Discover. Ebooks offer a variety of benefits such as accessibility, audio options, and other unique features. With instant access to a wide selection of books, ebooks are an excellent way for students to explore their interests and expand their personal growth and learning opportunities. Please click HERE for more information.
SBA/NGSS- As shared earlier in a letter from our district Teaching and Learning office, our state assessment window is opening in May. For our elementary students in grades three through five, the Math and English Language Arts SBAs (Smarter Balance Assessment) will take place during the weeks of May 1st and May 8th and the Grade 5 Science test will be administered during the week of May 18th. Students will not be testing every day and there are make-up days for those students who may need them due to missed days or more time.
Please make sure students have charged their chromebooks every night. This is very important as there are no extra chromebooks for students to use.
Students will need headphones. If you have a pair at home that your student is comfortable using, please send them in each day or they can keep them at school. If they do not, we will provide a pair for them.
Make sure your student gets a good night's sleep and eats breakfast each morning so they are ready to do their best.
2023-2024 Class Placement Input Form: https://forms.gle/oh6fusakhtQokQx1A.
We value your input and know how important it is in our process. We are sharing this google form in order to give you the opportunity to contribute in the placement decisions. Please provide details as to your child’s learning style, strengths, challenges, interests, and any other information you feel would be pertinent to class placement. Please do not include requests for specific teachers or requests to not have specific teachers. The process is complex, and these requests are impossible to honor and still maintain the integrity of the system. Requests for teachers by name will not be considered. If you would like us to consider your input as we place your child, the information must be received by May 15th.
Orchard Hills Driveway and Traffic Safety Improvements Project Update - The long awaited project to improve traffic flow and safety at Orchard Hills now has the green light to begin construction the day after school gets out on June 14th. You will recall that the project had to be postponed a year because we only received one bid last year and the contractor could not guarantee completion by the start of school in August 2022.
PTA Information
Please consider joining the OHS PTA in order to support all of the fun upcoming events. If you join, you will also receive an OHS car magnet!! You can join here: QR Code- OHS PTA As a member, you will also have first access to volunteer opportunities!
Family Connection
SEL Anchor Tool and Parent Companion Guide of the Month
The Circle of Support anchor tool is having students identify people who can help them when needed and why they can help (to access help in difficult situations; to support one in being his/her best self).Click on the link to learn how to implement a circle of support at home. Questions? Contact Mrs. Dickson via email.
This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter (CCC News) contains information for
Milford Public Library's Sat. Music with Al deCant, US's Coast Guard Boat Safety classes, Mobile Food Pantry, and The 12th annual New Canaan Dog Days. Remember that the CCC website is updated with links to community resources. Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Sarah Scionti
Principal, Orchard Hills Elementary School
@PrincipalSarah (Follow me on Twitter)