Registration 2024-2025
Welcome to the Milford Public Schools!
Please be advised that Connecticut Law has changed with regard to kindergarten age requirements.
On June 29, 2023, Public Act 23-208 was approved which, among other topics, states, “public schools shall be open to all children five years of age and over who reach age five on or before the first day of September of any school year.” Public Act 23-208 also includes the following provision: “a child who has not reached the age of five on or before the first day of September of the school year may be admitted (1) upon a written request by the parent or guardian of such child to the principal of the school in which such child would be enrolled, and (2) following an assessment of such child, conducted by such principal and an appropriate certified staff member of the school, to ensure that admitting such child is developmentally appropriate.”
All Grade Levels:
Before you begin the registration process, we suggest that you review the enrollment guidance information below, and gather all of the documents you will need to submit with your registration. You will be asked to submit these documents as electronic files when you work through the online registration. Please use the primary parent/guardian information when registering a new student.
A. A certified copy of your child's birth certificate (with raised seal, not a photocopy)
B. Residency documents:
Warranty deed, current mortgage statement, current tax bill or a current fully signed lease (including landlord’s name and phone number); and
Two (2) current utility bills associated with the property (electric, gas, water, cable, landline phone bill, etc.). Cell phone bills are not acceptable.
If the student living with you is from another town, you must provide Affidavit #2 and Affidavit #3, which must be filled out by the Milford resident and the parents/guardians of the student. Both forms must be notarized.
If your family is living with or sharing the same residence with a Milford resident, you must provide Affidavit #1 and Affidavit #3, which must be filled out by the Milford resident and the parents/guardians of the student. Both forms must be notarized.
If Affidavits are provided per steps C or D above, the documents required in steps A and B shall be provided by the resident. Additionally, the parent/guardian shall provide two current documents in their name (court document, tax bill, medical bill, W-2, paystub, bank statement, current car loan statement, DMV current car registration, etc.) listing the property address.
C. A copy of the student’s latest physical exam (must have occurred within the past 12 months) and immunization record. Link to school health forms.
Enrollment Guidance
The Board of Education of this Connecticut school district (the “Board”) welcomes families and children who reside in Milford. It is the mission of the Board and district staff to provide all children who reside in Milford with an excellent education.
The Board has prepared this Enrollment Guidance to assist parents or guardians who are enrolling children in Milford Public Schools. We ask parents or guardians enrolling children to read this Enrollment Guidance carefully and to assemble the information needed to enroll your children in Milford Public Schools.
Some Guiding Principles
Children who reside in Milford are entitled to attend school here.
The Board will provide a free public education, sometimes referred to as school accommodations, to any child who, in accordance with Connecticut law, resides in Milford, is five years of age (by January 1st), and under 21 years of age (22 for special education students), and who has not graduated from high school.
The Board’s commitment to providing school accommodations to all children who reside in Milford includes children who have recently arrived from other states or countries and children who speak no or limited English. The right to attend school applies to children who are not citizens and/or whose parents are not citizens. The district does not collect any information on citizenship or immigration status.
Children experiencing homelessness may attend school in Milford.
The Board will provide school accommodations to children who are homeless within the meaning of the Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The McKinney-Vento law grants the right to attend school to children and youth experiencing homelessness, including “unaccompanied youth” who are not in the custody of a parent or guardian. Under the McKinney-Vento law, homeless children and youth include children and youth who:
lack a fixed, adequate, regular nighttime residence, including children and youth who share the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reasons;
have a nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, e.g., cars, public spaces, parks, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations;
live in temporary housing, such as a shelter or a motel, or are abandoned in hospitals.
Children experiencing homelessness need not establish residency.
If a parent or a child (if unaccompanied) believes that the child may meet the definition of “homeless,” please contact our liaison for homelessness, Jennifer Stewart:
Phone: 203-783-3410 Email:
Once residency in Milford, or homelessness, and a child’s age are established, a child is eligible to attend school in the district. A child may begin to attend school after the district receives a health assessment and proof of immunization.
The discussion below covers most living situations and will assist you in collecting the documentation needed to show residency. The district, however, understands that other living arrangements may exist, and is prepared to review these situations and consider other means of showing residency.
1. Documents showing home ownership. A number of documents may show home ownership and residence in Milford. For example, a deed to the property, a mortgage document, a property tax record, or a homeowner’s insurance policy, showing a Milford address, can provide evidence of residency in Milford.
2. A written lease agreement. A current written lease agreement for a house, apartment, or other dwelling unit in Milford can provide evidence of a family’s residence in Milford.
3. Rental of a home without a written lease. Some families may rent their home without a written lease. If this is the case, the family can provide as evidence of residency a letter from the property owner addressed to the district’s Superintendent of Schools stating the property address in Milford and that the family is renting the home without a written lease.
4. Other living arrangements. A family may be living with friends or relatives in Milford. If this is the case, the friend or relative with whom the family is living can provide a letter addressed to the Superintendent of Schools to confirm that the family lives with the friend or relative in Milford. Living with friends or relatives may also provide a basis for a claim of homelessness, but this is not always the case.
5. Business correspondence showing the family’s address. Business correspondence showing a Milford address may provide evidence of residence in the district. A current utility bill (electric, gas, water), a cable bill, home or cell phone bill, correspondence from an insurance company, correspondence related to government benefits (Medicaid, Medicare, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program [“SNAP”], disability, etc.) all may provide evidence of residence in the district.
6. A driver’s license or automobile registration documentation. Having a driver’s license is not required. However, a parent or child’s current driver’s license showing a Milford address can be evidence of residency.
7. An Affidavit of Residency. An Affidavit of Residency may be necessary if a family cannot provide documentation as set forth above or if supplemental documentation is deemed necessary. An affidavit of residency is a written statement given under oath that children reside in Milford. An untrue sworn statement as to residency may be punishable under the law.
If the student living with you is from another town, you must provide Affidavit #2 and Affidavit #3, which must be filled out by the Milford resident and the parents/guardians of the student. Both forms must be notarized.
If your family is living with or sharing the same residence with a Milford resident, you must provide Affidavit #1 and Affidavit #3, which must be filled out by the Milford resident and the parents/guardians of the student. Both forms must be notarized.
8. Children not living with parents or guardians. Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) Section 10-253(d). Children usually will reside with a parent or guardian, but this may not always be the case. Children may be residing with relatives or nonrelatives. In this situation, when it is the intention of the relatives or nonrelatives and of the children or their parents or guardians that such residence is to be permanent, provided without pay, and not for the sole purpose of obtaining school accommodations, the children are entitled to school accommodations to the same extent as children living with parents or guardians. The school district may require an affidavit or other documentation that the requirements of C.G.S. Section 10-253(d) have been met.
Sometimes it may be necessary to supply documentation from more than one category.
The school district requests that parents or guardians provide a child’s birth certificate as a part of the enrollment information if one is available. However, if a parent or guardian is unable to supply a child’s birth certificate, other evidence of a child’s age is acceptable. In addition to a birth certificate, the documents listed below, or similar documents, are generally sufficient to establish a child’s age:
earlier school records;
a medical record which includes age;
a physician’s certificate verifying the child’s age;
an immunization record;
a baptismal record;
a driver’s license or passport;
a government issued identification document; or
a parent’s affidavit or unsworn statement as to the child’s age.
Documents that are submitted to establish age will be used only for that purpose.
Health Assessments and Immunization Verification
Once residency in Milford and a child’s age are established, a child is eligible to attend school in Milford. However, prior to a child actually attending school, legal requirements that children receive health assessments and immunizations must be met.
Health Assessments
Under Connecticut law, the Board must require a health assessment, the results of which shall be included in the cumulative health record of each pupil — which is protected under federal confidentiality laws — and shall be kept on file in the school such pupil attends. The required components of such health assessment and the manner in which they are handled by school districts can be found in Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-206. Should you have additional questions pertaining to the health assessment, please contact the school district.
Required Immunizations
Connecticut law also provides that the Board require each child be protected from certain diseases by immunization. Section 10-204a of the Connecticut General Statutes discusses in great detail the immunization requirement, including the specific immunizations that students must have. Should you have additional questions pertaining to the immunizations, please contact the school district.
What if there is a disagreement about eligibility to attend school?
In rare circumstances there may be a disagreement as to whether a child is entitled to attend school in the district because the district believes the student does not actually reside within the Board’s educational jurisdiction or is uncertain that the child does, in fact, qualify as homeless under McKinney-Vento. If this should occur, Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-186 may provide a remedy. In short, if a school district denies a student enrollment for one of the reasons just noted, Section 10-186 entitles a parent or guardian of any child who is denied schooling, or an emancipated minor, a pupil eighteen years of age or older or an unaccompanied youth who is denied schooling, or an agent or officer charged with the enforcement of the laws concerning attendance at school to request in writing (this includes e-mail) a hearing to challenge that denial. The request should be sent to the attention of the Superintendent of Schools. Upon the receipt of such written request, the district will arrange for a hearing before the Board, a committee of the Board, or an Impartial Hearing Officer serving on behalf of the Board. The district will provide more information about this process if a hearing is requested.
STEP 1: Determine What School Your Child Will Attend:
Click on the School Assignment button below to verify your child's assigned school. Locate your street listing to determine the school your child will be attending.
STEP 2: Click here to complete Registration for school year 2024-2025. Please use the primary parent/guardian information when registering a new student. At the end of the online registration process, click Submit.
STEP 3: School Secretary will contact you via email.
Once you have completed and submitted the online Registration Packet (Step 2), your school secretary will contact you via email to confirm receipt of your registration information. Additional directions will also be included in that email.
We encourage you to learn more about your child's school by visiting the school's website ( and click on the Schools drop down.
Elementary Schools (PK-5)
Calf Pen Meadow - Jane Smyth -
John F. Kennedy - Lisa Kirby -
Live Oaks - Donna Kennedy -
Mathewson - Marcy Gonski -
Meadowside - Katelyn Donofrio -
Orange Avenue - Maggie Germanese -
Orchard Hills - Victoria Fitzsimmons -
Pumpkin Delight - Robin Green -
Middle Schools (6-8)
East Shore - Antonia Lombardi -
Harborside - Stefanie Beauvais -
West Shore - Kelley Brown -
High Schools (9-12)
Jonathan Law - Alexandra Jackson -
Joseph A. Foran - Mary Grega -