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Manjusha Kothari
Mathewson Elementary School
Emily Kowalski
Mathewson Elementary School
Joanna Lapham
Mathewson Elementary School
World Language Teacher
Marc Lapierre
Mathewson Elementary School
Grade 5 Teacher
Denise Lorenzo
Mathewson Elementary School
STEM Educator/Teacher
Andrew Magazine
Mathewson Elementary School
Instructional Coach
Laura Marinelli
Mathewson Elementary School
Grade 5 Teacher
Monica Markovics
Mathewson Elementary School
Grade 3 Teacher
Jessica McClure
Mathewson Elementary School
Susanne McKeever
Mathewson Elementary School
Joseph Messina
Mathewson Elementary School
Instructional Coach
Rosa Mohrmann
Mathewson Elementary School
Megan Moran
Mathewson Elementary School
Special Education Teacher
Victoria Morris
Mathewson Elementary School
Resource Teacher
Laura Murphy
Mathewson Elementary School
Kindergarten Teacher
Louisa Nann
Mathewson Elementary School
Shannon Nichols
Mathewson Elementary School
Teacher Leader
Carolyn O'Brien
Mathewson Elementary School
Lunch Aide
Donna Oleyar
Mathewson Elementary School
Lunch Aide
Juliann Petruccelli
Mathewson Elementary School