Mathewson Elementary School
PAWprint November 5, 2021
Hello Bulldog Families!
Here it is November already! We thank you for all your support and look forward to continuing to support you and your family as our year progresses. November is a shorter month for school days, but there is no lack of diving deeper into our learning and building relationships with each other. We all smiled bright :) on Thursday for our school photo day. Class photos will be composites again this year so that our social distancing guidelines are still embraced. We look forward to all the chilly weather and beautiful leaves changing colors as we continue to grow together each day. Please check out some information for the week ahead below!
This week we welcome some new bulldog staff members! Please join me in welcoming Paige Raucci, as one of our ASD Teachers, and Megan Moran, as one of our Resource Support Staff members. Last week we welcomed a new building sub, Rhiannon Crandley. So proud to have our school community continue to grow with such caring adults for our students!
We hope you will join us at our next virtual PTA Meeting on Tuesday November 9th @ 7pm. Please join us using this link.
November Tech Tip - November Family Tech Tip focusing on Securly.
Thanks for Giving Food Drive collection - Friday, November 12th - more information is here - Thanks For Giving Food Drive flyer
Looking for some Bulldog gear? Check out our link for apparel here!
Melissa Currier
Melissa Currier, Principal
Important Dates, WOOF!
Tuesday, November 9th-Virtual PTA Meeting @ 7 pm (see link above)
Wednesday, November 24th- Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving Recess @ 1:25 p.m.
No School Thursday, Nov 25, 2021 and Friday, Nov 26, 2021 for Thanksgiving Recess
Wednesday, December 8th-Early Dismissal for Professional Learning @ 1:25 pm
Older News…. But Still Important!
Staff Dress Down Days- Staff donates money yearly in order to “dress down” on Fridays throughout the year. The money goes to help support families, staff and community causes where we want to express care. Sometimes we add an extra day or two if we want to earn a little more to donate. So if you see us in our jeans you know it is to support a great cause! GO BULLDOGS!
Bus Seating: To further our safety efforts for our learners, our elementary schools, in collaboration with Durham Bus Company are developing a bus seating chart with assigned seats. The goal for each bus-riding student is to minimize the number of students quarantined should an individual on the bus test positive. Over the course of the next week or so, students will be assigned their seats. Buses will have stickers with row numbers above the window to assist in students locating the proper seat. You can help by:
Reminding your child to sit in their assigned seat at all times. Having your child stay in their assigned seat will help support their safety and the safety of others to stay healthy while on the bus.
Having students wear their masks for the entire ride.
These protocols are necessary to mitigate exposure and spread of the COVID virus. Thank you for your cooperation and partnership in this important matter. Our schools will be working diligently to get these seat assignments in place. Please understand there may be a delay as we implement this process of assigned seating on the bus over the next few weeks.
Protocol for Contacting Tracing after school hours and on weekends -
When a school receives notification of a possible positive COVID-19 case there may be times particularly when we are notified after school hours or on weekends, that families will be sent an email indicating that their child is to stay home the next school day and that a school nurse will contact the family to discuss the matter and provide guidance on what happens. We thank you for your cooperation as we continue to navigate through these times together and put safety first.
Attendance :If your child is absent from learning, you must log in and report the absence that day through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Teaching and Learning Hub: This week the Teaching and Learning Department shared with the Milford Public Schools Teaching and Learning Community Hub, an online space for our community to access curricular materials and resources as well as a virtual space to access additional information to support our home school partnership. You may access the Milford Public Schools Teaching and Learning Community Hub via this link.
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