Mathewson News

Mathewson Elementary School

PAWprint                              September 10, 2021

Hello Bulldog Families!

We’ve had another PAWmazing week here at school.  Today we had our first fire drill and everyone did a great job.  Students enjoyed getting to know each other more in their classrooms and continuing to meet new friends and caring adults in our building. In this PAWprint you will learn about information coming up next week.  We look forward to our Virtual Open House next week as well as our first school spirit day! We will send in a separate email Open House Information on Monday of next week. Thanks for helping our community to be so PAWsitive.

Melissa Currier

Melissa Currier, Principal


Older News…. But Still Important!

Attendance :If your child is absent from learning, you must log in and report the absence that day through the PowerSchool Parent Portal

Teaching and Learning Hub: This week the Teaching and Learning Department shared with the Milford Public Schools Teaching and Learning Community Hub, an online space for our community to access curricular materials and resources as well as a virtual space to access additional information to support our home school partnership. You may access the Milford Public Schools Teaching and Learning Community Hub via this link.

Student Quarantine Protocols - Please review the letter sent by Dr. Cutaia which outlines the district’s quartining protocols. 

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, September 14th-Virtual Open House 6:00 pm (Flyer and Link will be sent on 9/12/21)

  • Thursday, September 16th - No School: Yom Kippur

  • Wednesday, September 22nd - ERD - Student Dismissal at 1:40 PM

  • Wednesday, September 22nd- PTA Meeting Virtual (join using this link)


Attention 4th and 5th Grade Bulldog Families! Check out the Band and Strings

 Website from Mr. Boots and Mr. Burns

Here is the website link for Band and Strings registration open to all 4th and 5th Graders


Mathewson’s First Spirit Day!!

We’ve got spirit, yes we do! We have spirit, how about you?

Our school loves to have Spirit Days. Days where we can dress up in fun clothes or have a theme to show school unity.  But as a parent, we know sometimes it is hard to have the exact thing you need for that day. Do you have the exact color you need? What about an idea for a crazy hair day? AHHHHHHHHH!

So we are starting off easy for our first school spirit day which will be held

Friday, September 17th

For this first spirit day please feel free to wear 


We are celebrating being together this year. So show off your fun spirit by wearing:

  •  something that is either a “fancy” outfit 

  • a favorite shirt or outfit of yours 

  • or something that you feel will show a fun party theme!

No need to go buy something for this day. Just be ready to share your party outfit during morning meeting with your class. 

Let’s have some fun!


Meet Our Staff Slides 21-22

 (We will include a few slides each week so you can learn about the

 caring adult that we have in our building)


Milford Food 2 Kids feeds local children who have little or no food resources during the weekend away from School. We are an initiative of the First United Church of Christ, Milford, in collaboration with the Connecticut Food Bank, The Milford Bank, and in partnership with our Schools and a growing number of Milford's caring community.  

Milford Food 2 Kids strives to alleviate food insecurity among children and youth in our community. Food security impacts the well-being of children: physical, emotional and social health as well as their ability to learn. Since we are passionate about making sure that children have the resources they need to thrive, we have reached out to meet this local need.

We serve over 150 students from 15 schools.  

School system counselors select the students that receive food each week on a degree of need basis. Although the students are anonymous to us we see them as "our kids"! With your help, we are able to purchase food, pack food bags and deliver them to the schools each week where they are discretely distributed to students.  

Mathewson School Contact

School Counselor - Caitlyn Nunes  (203) 301-5643

When do bags get delivered to the school?

  • Bags are delivered every Friday and distributed to children privately.

When do the weekly deliveries begin?

  • Milford will provide the first delivery on September 17, 2021.

What is in the bag of food?

  • Food for at least 6 meals or 2 days is provided.

  • Food 2 Kids chooses food similar to the CT Food Bank program that is nutritious, non-perishable, pre-packaged, pre-cooked, can be eaten hot or cold, and that children WANT to eat. These are foods that kids can prepare with little assistance.

    • Chef Boyardee 

    • Mac & Cheese

    • Cereal, Cereal Bars & Granola bars

    • Fruit Juice

    • Fruit Cups & Raisins

    • Snacks

    • Peanut Butter & Jelly 

    • Oatmeal

    • Milk

What if I don’t need assistance now, but possibly in the future?

  • You may contact the school counselor at any time to add your child to the list of students receiving the Food 2 Kids program. 



Follow Mathewson School on Twitter @ BePAWsitiveMPS

We appreciate your support and assistance in making Mathewson a great place to LIVE--LEARN--BE PAWSITIVE