Mathewson Elementary School
PAWprint September 3, 2021
Hello Bulldog Families!
WOWser what a week! Thank you all for such a PAWtastic start! We hope that your child/ren had a wonderful week here at school and we can’t wait to see them again next Wednesday! If you do not belong to our TWITTER page please join us. We have lots of fun pictures from students and staff from the week and will continue to post in the weeks to come. You can also view these on our Mathewson School Website Live Feed column as well. A Special thanks to our PTA for providing Staff with a welcome back breakfast today! Staff appreciates your generosity and thank you for the start of the year treat. We truly have had a smooth beginning of the year from entry to dismissal and all learning and fun times in between. We look forward to continuing to build our relationships with all of you this year. Thanks for such a great start.
Melissa Currier
Melissa Currier, Principal
Attendance :If your child is absent from learning, you must log in and report the absence that day through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Teaching and Learning Hub: This week the Teaching and Learning Department shared with the Milford Public Schools Teaching and Learning Community Hub, an online space for our community to access curricular materials and resources as well as a virtual space to access additional information to support our home school partnership. You may access the Milford Public Schools Teaching and Learning Community Hub via this link.
Important Dates:
Monday September 6th - No School: Labor Day
Tuesday September 7th - No School: Rosh Hashanah
Tuesday, September 14th-Virtual Open House 6:30 pm (more information coming soon)
Thursday, September 16th - No School: Yom Kippur
Wednesday, September 22nd - ERD - Student Dismissal at 1:40 PM
Attention 4th and 5th Grade Bulldog Families! Check out the Band and Strings
Website from Mr. Boots and Mr. Burns
Here is the website link for Band and Strings registration open to all 4th and 5th Graders
Continue to the next page….
Please enjoy some letters of welcome below from our Support Staff:
Hello Mathewson Families,
Happy September! We wanted to introduce ourselves and tell you about our role at Mathewson School. Our names are Jill Aronin and Megan Schumann, and we are happy to be Mathewson’s Instructional Coaches for Humanities.
We will be supporting teachers and students with curriculum, instruction, and assessment throughout the school year. This support will occur in classrooms during Readers’ and Writers’ Workshop by modeling lessons, co-teaching, and working with small groups of students - all in service of fulfilling Milford’s commitment to High Quality Instruction.
We are most excited to be working in these roles, and we look forward to supporting Mathewson’s community of learners.
Please feel free to contact us at any time.
Jill Aronin
Megan Schumann
Dear Mathewson Families,
Our names are Andrew Magazine and Joe Messina and we will be Mathewson’s STEM Instructional Coaches for the 2021-22 school year. This year we will help support both teachers and students in Milford’s push to provide High Quality Instruction in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Throughout the course of the year we will be going into classrooms and working alongside your child’s teacher during STEM instruction. We will be co-teaching lessons and working with groups of students to promote inquiry, exploration, risk-taking, and reflection in the classroom.
We are both very excited to take on this new role and look forward to working with all Mathewson students this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
Thank you,
Andrew Magazine Joe Messina
From last week’s Print: Important news for RESTART!
Arrival and Dismissal Information was mailed. Please keep an eye out for it. The mailing will include overall dismissal information. Additionally, you will find a yellow dismissal form which should be completed and sent in with your child on the first day. Here is a copy of our Arrival/Dismissal Procedures and Hang Tag Process. Please take a moment to review these as traffic patterns and arrival/ dismissal procedures have changed. It is important that you review these practices prior to the first day of school. Additionally in your mailing we have included a pick up tag for student’s families who pick up in cars in the afternoon. Pick up guidelines have been sent to all families in the event that their method of transportation from school changes during the school year.
Please remember to send in a reusable water bottle with your child. They have access to our water stations and can refill as necessary throughout the day. Students may also get snack/ breakfast and lunch at school or bring their own from home. Please visit our district website for more information from food services.
Face Covering or Masks are required. Students and staff must wear face coverings or masks that completely cover the nose and mouth while inside the school and on the bus, with exceptions only for those students for whom it is not safe to do so due to medical conditions. Parents are responsible for making sure their child has a mask (or face covering) each day upon arrival to school. Schools will have backup disposable masks available for students who forget them as an emergency practice only. NOTE: Masks with exhalation valves can NOT be used. Mask Breaks will take place periodically during the day.
Additional Back To School information can be found through the district website at
We hope that your families enjoy the remaining days of our summer break. As always, if you have any questions after reading the information online, you can email me or call the school at (Add building specific information here)
Looking forward to seeing all our students on Wednesday, September 1st.
Follow Mathewson School on Twitter @ BePAWsitiveMPS
We appreciate your support and assistance in making Mathewson a great place to LIVE--LEARN--BE PAWSITIVE