Mathewson News

Mathewson Elementary School

PAWprint                               November 3, 2023

Hello Bulldog Families

It was a chilly but fun week here at school!  It seems fall weather is finally here and it is time. Luckily we did have some dry and sunny weather for our Halloween Parade and enjoying our new large playscape which is finally completed!  Thanks to all the families that joined for our Halloween Parade and for volunteering for various crafts and celebrations in our building.  We are currently collecting candy for our troops and we do have our Thanks 4 Giving Food Drive going on.  Students can bring any items down to the main lobby as we have collection bins there.  

Next week we do not have school on Tuesday (11/7) as staff has professional learning.  We also look forward to celebrating our Veterans on Thursday, Nov. 9th at the two school assemblies we will have.  It also is our first November Spirit Day of wearing red, white or blue.  We hope you have a PAWsome weekend ahead

With Love,

Melissa Currier, Principal 

Important Dates

*11/7: No School for Students! This is a full staff Professional Learning Day.

*11/9: School Veteran Day Assemblies K-2 and 3-5.   Spirit Day wear red, white and/or blue!

*11/14: Mathewson PTA Mtg in person / Media Center at 7 pm

*11/14: Mathewson November Spirit Day #2: Wear Blue to show support of World Diabetes Day

*11/15: Wed Early Release Day at 1:25 pm for Professional Learning

Upcoming Information to Know:

  • Our PTA is excited to offer another round of afterschool Giggling Pig Art Classes! This session will run November 14, 21, 28 and December 5th.  Please click the links to register/pay and see the flier.  Space is limited. 

Registration Link       Giggling Pig Nov/Dec Classes

  • We are happy to participate in the Thanks 4 Giving Collection Drive again this year. Please see the information on how to help here!


Mathewson PTA News

Our next meeting is…..

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

IN PERSON in the Library

We will be offering child care (Foran, Law and Harborside Key Club Members)


Getting to Know Your Bulldog Staff!

Meet  Mrs. Lapham


News Already Shared But Still Important….

We love to celebrate your child’s birthday and make holidays throughout the year special; however, we do not allow goodie bags of any kind to come into school. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you wish to come in and be a guest reader for the class or hand out a pencil, crayons or bookmark instead.  To ensure all items are safe for all children we just ask that a gift bag of any kind not come in for birthdays or holidays.  Thank you.

Family Arrival and Dismissal Reminders (sent out in opening letter)

Student Absence Reporting Procedure:

The school attendance line is no longer the means for reporting student absence.  A new requirement is for parents/guardians to fill out the Attendance Absence Form within PowerSchool any time their child is absent.

The procedure for notifying the school of your child’s early dismissal or late arrival is the same as previous years. If your child will be arriving/joining late or leaving early, please email the building secretary, the greeter and classroom  teacher.


This form must be completed on the day the child is absent and must be completed on each day

Absent.  If you fill out the form more than once in a day, only the latest will be seen. 

You can watch the steps below in this video:

The purpose of this form is to keep everyone safe and healthy by verifying the child’s symptoms.

1) Start by logging into PowerSchool (


2) After logging in, click Forms in the left navigation.

Note: If you are on a phone’s browser and don’t see Forms at first, tap the little right-facing

arrow in the upper-left corner to show the left navigation.


3) If you have more than one child, make sure you click/tap the correct child’s name in the

upper-left corner first.


4) On the Forms page, look for the Attendance section. Click/tap the Attendance Absence Form -

Parents link.

Note: If the form never loads, please make sure you are not using the Firefox web browser.


5) Answer Yes or No to the questions and then click/tap Submit.

6) If you answer No for the following question “Even though your student is out sick today will

he/she be participating in class as a distance learner” a follow up question will appear.


District News….

Chromebook Insurance: You Can Renew Right on the Parent Portal: Our low-cost Chromebook Insurance program is WELL worth the annual renewal fee ($25 per year).  If you’ve got kids, then you already know there’s always the potential for something to happen to the Chromebook during the year: lost (~$230 replacement cost), replacement mainboard (~$90), cracked screen (~$40), broken hinges (~$15), or broken keyboard (~$60), just to name a few.  For $25, you can have peace of mind and save a lot of aggravation when something goes wrong.  You can reserve your Chromebook insurance right on your Parent Portal account.  If you have any questions, please contact our BIDS dept. at (203) 783-3446.


Community Connections Center News 

This week's CCC News contains information and links for CT Foodshare, Daylight savings time and CT voting information. 

Fun for your family can be found by clicking on links for a list of ten great playgrounds for you to enjoy together.  Learn about "Operation Gratitude" and write a note to support our veterans.

Remember that the CCC Website  is updated with links to community  resources. 

Have a Great Weekend!

To locate the CCC’s web page go to Milford’s main page and click on the Menu tab & scroll down under district Information to find the Community Connections Centers! 


Mary-Kathryn Williams, Coordinator

Milford Community Connection Centers



 @ BePAWsitiveMPS

Thanks for your support in making 

Mathewson a PAWsome place to  LEARN--BE KIND--BE PAWSITIVE