Mathewson Elementary School
PAWprint February 16, 2023
Hello Bulldog Families,
We had a gorgeous week both learning and weather wise. We will see if mother nature continues this or has some surprises for us in store! This week our classes worked hard to build their 100 acts of kindness. We enjoyed hearing how as a community we continue to grow together more each day! We hope you enjoy Friday and Monday off in observance of President’s Day Weekend. Don’t forget when we return next week, Wednesday is an early release day (1:25 pm) due to professional learning. Check out the info below for exciting news for the weeks ahead!
1-2-3-4 We declare a Penny War! Help raise funds for our 5th graders and a local charity. Information here and this will start February 21st!
Greetings, MPS Families!
We are pleased to announce our Spring 2023 Elementary Conference Schedule:
Wednesday, March 29th 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 30th1:45-3:45 p.m.
Friday, March 31st 1:45-3:45 p.m.
*Please note that we will have a modified early dismissal time on the conference days to accommodate the conference schedule. Therefore, students will be dismissed on March 29th, March 30th, and March 31st at 1:15pm.
Parents/guardians will once again have the opportunity to select a conference time through My Conference Time. All conferences will be in person unless a parent/guardian requests a Google Meet link directly from the teacher. Spring conference sign up information will be live on our school website from February 27 at 9:00 a.m. through March 27 at 12:00 p.m. If you prefer a virtual session, please contact the teacher to request a Google Meet link to conduct your conference virtually after you have confirmed your conference time through My Conference Time Online Scheduler. We are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s learning!
Quick tip: Look for emails from “” when searching email for conference confirmation communications.
Attention 5th Grade Families. Fifth Grade Well- Wishes and Yearbook Information is here! 5th Grade Yearbook Fundraiser -Well Wishes Ad Campaign.pdf Photo Request
Help support our 5th Grade Committee Fundraising. Nate’s Plates has extended its support of giving a % to our fifth graders when you buy there! Check out the February flyer here!!! February Mathewson Fundraising
PTA Family Skate Night is Coming! Family Skate Night is Friday, February 24th from 6:15-7:45 PM at Milford Ice Arena. The cost is $5 per person (skate rental included). Register on MemberHub HERE.
Attendance: All absences must be reported using the PowerSchool attendance form. If your child is going to be late or picked up early, please send a note in to the teacher, or email the teacher, our greeter and our secretary . Only absences should be reported through PowerSchool.
Read Across Mathewson Day is Coming! Every year, the month of March is National Reading Month. The start of this is initiated with ‘Read Across America Day’ on March 2. Many schools choose to engage in activities throughout the week which promote books as windows offering views of the world or mirrors where we allow children to see themselves within their text. Throughout the school year, Milford Public Schools work to help students develop a love of reading and an appreciation for where the pages of a book can take you. We look forward to having guest readers help us celebrate on March 2nd at Mathewson!
Mathewson School Spring Photos will be on April 19th. For this Spring photo opportunity our photography offers Personality Portraits. Click here for more information!
Be sure to check out our PAWmazing Artist Facebook Page!
Mathewson PTA Information
Our next Virtual PTA Meeting will be @ 7 pm on March 14th! Link will be sent as the date gets closer.
Seeking 5th Grade Parents--WE NEED YOU!!: If you're interested in helping plan the 5th grade end of the year events, please contact
Check out what’s happening this year thanks to our PTA! This calendar will be updated as events are added or changes take place. Check out our upcoming PTA Sponsored Events Here!
Important Dates, WOOF!
February 17: NO SCHOOL MPS Winter Break
February 20: NO SCHOOL MPS Winter Break
February 22: Early Dismissal at 1:25 pm
February 24: PTA Family Skate Night!!
@ BePAWsitiveMPS