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Joanna Nastasia
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Grade 5 Teacher
Alison Packnick
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Special Education Teacher
Kelly Palazzo
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Grade 2 Teacher
Rachael Polansky
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
World Language Teacher
Mackenzie Pontonio
John F Kennedy Elementary School
Anne Prusak
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Laurie Quinn
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Marie Razzaia
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Kitchen Manager
Amy Rizzo
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Elise Rosengrant
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Instructional Coach
Michael Rutledge
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Karen Scopino-Kristan
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Speech Pathologist
Jennifer Shabarekh
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Grade 5 Teacher
Kristin Soder
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Media Specialist/Teacher
Judy Sperduti
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Thomas Stack
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Enrichment Teacher
Donna Stuart
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Grade 5 Teacher
Jessica Swope
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
School Counselor
Sarah Taylor
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Instructional Coach/Teacher
Tara Truscello
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Special Education Teacher