JFK News



Hello JFK Families!

We are looking forward to our costume parade on Monday! We are hoping for nice weather so we can have our parade outside for parents to view. In the event of inclement weather, we will still hold the costume parade indoors. Unfortunately, due to space restrictions, if we need to move it indoors, we will not be able to accommodate parents inside to view it. Please be on the lookout for an email Sunday evening, which will inform parents whether the parade will be inside or outside. 

We are looking forward to honoring Veterans in our community during our Veteran’s Day assembly on Friday, November 11th! We are so proud and thankful for all that they have done, and continue to do, to keep us safe. We are excited that we are able to honor veterans in our community in person this year. Please see the flier below for more information about inviting a veteran in your family to our Veteran’s Day assembly.


Have a great weekend!

Mr. Brennan


Costume Parade - The parade will take place on Monday, October 31st at 9:15 AM.  Please see the attached flier for more information. Any family who does not want their child to participate should contact the teacher in advance so that we may make appropriate arrangements.

Veteran’s Day - Veteran's Day is on Friday, November 11th.  This year we are going to honor our Veterans at school.  Please see the attached flier for more details.  Email Mrs. Fuller if you have any questions at cfuller@milforded.org

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Annual Thanks for Giving Food Drive - The Food Drive will take place from November 1st to November 11th.  Please see the attached flier for more information. mm

Community Connection Center - This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter (CCC News) has information about Healthy Lives Ct. and fun family places to go this weekend.  Just to mention two items. Each week information about Milford's providers & their programs are listed . You will also find family friendly activities & places to visit.  And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources. Remember to stay safe for Halloween! 

Mary-Kathryn Williams, Coordinator  

Community Connection Center


Specialist Spotlight -STEM 

Hello, JFK families! This year has been off to a great start, with all of our classes regularly visiting the Science Lab. We also have some science field trips coming up, to the Foran Planetarium and the Milford Audubon Society! Students can also look forward to units on weather, matter, and the Earth's surface as we move closer to colder temperatures! In this week's video, check out how science can look like magic, with the incredible leak proof bag!


Mr. Sabo 

Important Dates:  

  • Wednesday, Nov. 2nd - PTO Meeting

  • Tuesday, November 8th - No School 

  • Friday, November 11th - Veterans Day Celebration

  • Tuesday, Nov. 15th - Pantochino performance: “The Wizard of Oz (Sort of!)”

  • Wednesday, November 16th - Early Release - 1:25 PM dismissal

  • Thursday, Nov. 17th - Pick-up Pie Sale orders

  • Wednesday, November 23rd - Early Release - 1:25 PM dismissal

  • Thursday, November 24 & Friday the 25th - No School - Thanksgiving Break  

Some pictures from the week at JFK

PTO News

Don’t Miss the PTO Meeting 11/2!

We’ll be discussing ideas and plans for the rest of the year - including brainstorming how we could spend the funds from Hawk-A-Thon to benefit JFK! Be sure to come out and share your ideas! 

Two Hour Power Hour Challenge! 

If you’ve already joined the PTO, you know there are absolutely NO volunteer requirements! However, if you become a member and volunteer for 2 hours at some point during the year, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a super fun family adventure limo ride with free ice cream! 

After school theater with Pantochino Productions:

Our next rehearsal will take place Tuesday, Nov 1st 3:45-5PM for grade 3-5 participants ONLY.  Please make sure your child has their script and PLEASE try to secure it in a 3-prong folder or binder with their name on it. The directors have requested that students start coming to rehearsal having memorized most of the lines that we have practiced to date. We appreciate your help in reminding them to review their parts this weekend!  Any questions please email liz.shipman@gmail.com

Attention 5th grade families

We would like to be able to reach out to 5th grade families directly throughout the year to gather information for the yearbook (pictures, memories etc ) as well as the end of year celebration planning opportunities. If you have a 5th grader, please complete this form as soon as possible to avoid missing out on our important communications about your child's final year at JFK!