
SOARing through the Week at JFK   

January 24, 2025 

Hello Hawk Families!

What a fantastic week we’ve had at JFK Elementary! The highlight of our week was a special school assembly sponsored by our amazing PTO: The Sky Dome. This immersive experience brought the wonders of the universe right into our school. Each class had the opportunity to visit the Sky Dome, where students were in awe as they learned about constellations, the sun and planets, the moon, and the galaxy.

As an added bonus, students enjoyed the now unique experience of having lunch inside their classrooms that day. They handled the change in routine with excitement, but also maturity and flexibility—it was impressive!

A heartfelt thank you to our PTO for providing this rich and unforgettable learning experience. Your support continues to enhance our students’ educational journey in meaningful ways.

I wish all of our JFK families a wonderful weekend.  Stay warm and remember to take care of yourself, our community and most of all BE KIND! 

In partnership,

Amy E. Rizzo

Amy E. Rizzo, Principal 

Follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @JFKPrincipalRIz

Important Dates:

MPS School Calendar 2024-2025

January 25th- JFK Skate Night 6:15-7:45 pm ⛸️

January 27th- STEAM Explorers Club begins

February 5th- Early Dismissal- Staff Professional Learning

February 5th- World Read Aloud Day! (WRAD)

February 5th- JFK PTO Meeting 6pm

February 7th- PTO Spirit Day: Jersey Day

February 11th- JFK McDonald’s Night 5-7pm

February 10th - 13th - JFK Kindness Week 💛

February 14th & 17th - No School - Winter Break

February 26th- Early Dismissal- Staff Professional Learning


📷A Glimpse at the Week:

Click here to view pictures of  some of the HAWK-SOME learning and events that happened at JFK this week!

Smart Watches, I-Phones and other Personal Devices

Teachers have noticed that some students have returned to school from the winter break with new personal technology.  While we know that these new devices are exciting, we appreciate your help in keeping these items at home or in backpacks so that they do not become a distraction to our learning environment.

Please note the MPS BOE Policy regarding personal technology in our schools:

At the elementary level - No use of a cell phone/smartwatch or other personal communication device will be permitted during school hours. These devices must be turned off or on silent and left in backpacks, stored in a student’s locker/cubbie or other place designated by building administration.  MPS Policy 

Kindergarten registration for SY 2025-2026 is now open!

2025-26 Kindergarten Registration Press Release

We are pleased to announce that Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026  school year opened on Monday, January 6, 2025. If you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten in the fall, registration information will be posted to the district website www.milforded.org.  You must register your child for Kindergarten at the school determined by your street address, unless placed by Pupil Personnel Services.  School/Street Assignments are available on the district website under “District Information.

  • Children born on or before  September 1, 2020 are eligible to register for Kindergarten. If your child is not age eligible (born September 2, 2020 through December 31, 2020), please use the online registration form to request a waiver.   

  • Any current MPS Preschool or Ready To Learn (RTL) students will not need to complete an online registration form. However, we ask that you complete the Kindergarten Notification Form located in PowerSchool.

  • If you need assistance with the registration portal,  please contact the main office of your district assigned school. School contact information can be found on the district website under “ Schools.” 

We are excited for your children to join us!  Fully registered families, please be on the lookout for more information from your school’s Principal about an in person kindergarten event in the spring.  In the meantime, click here for a sneak peek of what to expect in Kindergarten!  

We look forward to welcoming the Class of 2038!

MPS Food Services

January Lunch Menu 

Community Connections Center 

This week's CCC News is packed with helpful information and fun activities! We’re excited to highlight Circle of Security Parenting, where we’ll spend quality time exploring our roles and the connections we build with our children through the Circle of Security model. Also, check out Bridgeport’s Roll & Bounce—if skating’s not your thing, no worries! There are Bounce Houses and Video Game Stations for the kids too. And if you’re into art, don’t miss Yale’s Art Gallery Free Family Day. So much to do, don’t miss out!  For all the details and other activities, check out our CCC Newsletter. And if you're looking for more community resources, be sure to visit the  CCC Website

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

  Mary-Kate Williams & Cara Dascenzo

Milford Community Connection Centers



        The CCC honors all family inquiries as private and confidential unless parent permission is given or Connecticut mandated reporting applies

Specialist Spotlight: Art with Ms. Benedetti

Happy January JFK families! 

The art room has been full of lots of creations these last few months! Kinder students will be working on their fine motor skills to create heart sculptures with beads, pipe cleaners, and clay! First graders will be creating Faith Ringgold inspired quilts using collage materials. Students in second grade are making dragon eggs / eyes showing different types of texture. Third graders are beginning their painted paper animal collages and learning more about collage . Fourth will be creating a space themed project using glow paint and model magic clay. Fifth graders will be making engravings from metal tooling! 

HUGE Congratulations to Gabriela Lopez, a JFK 5th grader  for her amazing Fire Prevention poster that won 2nd place in the district! 

Keep Creating! 

Ms. Benedetti 

A Special Message from Ms. Anastasiou

Hello JFK Families and Friends,

I am thrilled to introduce the Physical Education student teacher, Mr. Oliver, that will be with us 1/21/25-5/9/25! Below is a little something Mr. Oliver wrote so you can get to know him!

Hello JFK, I am thrilled to be a student teacher in the Physical Education department here at John F. Kennedy Elementary School. I grew up in Milford, where I attended Orange Avenue, Harborside, and Foran. After earning my undergraduate degree at Albertus Magnus, I continued my journey in education at Manhattanville University, where I am now pursuing a degree in Physical Education.

I chose Physical Education because it was always my favorite class growing up, it gave me the chance to stay active, have fun, and build skills that are important for a healthy lifestyle. I believe physical education is about more than just fitness; it's about helping students develop confidence, teamwork, and lifelong habits that support their overall well-being.

I am excited to begin this journey with the students and staff here at JFK Elementary. This semester is a fantastic opportunity for me to grow as an educator, and I look forward to adding to a safe and supportive environment where students can thrive and enjoy the benefits of being active.

Thank you!

Ms. Anastasiou & Mr. Oliver

Older, But Important Reminders

Winter Attire   

Whenever the weather permits, our students have outdoor recess.  Please ensure that your child has proper attire to stay warm when they are outside.  We recommend a warm winter coat, hat, and gloves.  If you need assistance please reach out to our school Social Worker, Mrs. Dougherty.

Return Library Books

Please return any JFK library books your student has finished reading. We have many popular books checked out that other students are waiting to read! 

Please label your child’s sweatshirts, jackets, lunch bag, and water bottles. Our Lost and Found continues to grow! Please have your child check the lost and found email Mrs. Koosa (dkoosa@milforded.org) or your child’s classroom teacher if any of these items belong to your family. 

Hawks SOAR Awards - Our JFK Hawks SOAR award is designed to recognize student and staff behaviors and actions that enhance our school community and those individuals who exemplify citizenship within this community beyond the expected norms. When your child comes home with a sticker, please ask them how they SOARED that day! 

Attendance Reminder

A reminder that absences should be reported in PowerSchool.

Click HERE for instructions on how to report absences. Be sure to update the date on the top of the form each time you fill it out.

Arrival and Dismissal Information -

Please do not leave students unattended at the school prior to 8:20 am.

Please note that our  Walker Pick Up should be utilized for families who are walking to the building.  If you are driving to JFK to pick up your child, please use our car pick up procedure.  Families of students who are being dismissed as walkers should not be parking in our parking lot and then picking up at the walker door.  Doing this interferes with the flow of traffic in our car pick up line.  Thank you for adhering to our dismissal procedures.

 Parents, please be sure to drive slowly and safely through our parking lot at drop off and pick up times.  We understand that mornings can be hectic getting students off to school and adults off to work, but please drive slowly and with caution on our school grounds.

 If you are dropping off your child please pull all the way forward in line and remain in the car for safety.  If you wish to get out of the car, please park in a designated parking spot and walk your child to the parking lot crosswalk. Mr. Kee will assist your child in crossing safely. 

Dismissal Car Tags should be placed on your dashboard/mirror when lining up for pick up.  We ask that you please do not line up in the parking lot prior to 3pm.

❤️‍🩹News from the Nurse 

Milford Health Department: 1/17/25 Letter Regarding Health Guidelines to Prevent the Spread of Illness

MPS Health Department Guidelines

With the weather getting colder please make sure your child has appropriate outdoor clothing for recess.  Additionally, we have many students with very chapped lips as the weather is getting colder. Please provide chapstick for your child as needed.

If clothing is borrowed from the school health office please wash and return :)

If possible, pack a spare set of clothes in your child's backpack. Accidents happen! Students can get wet on the playground or spill on themselves at lunch. It's always helpful to have extra clothing available

~Nurse Jacqueline Campbell

PTO News 1.22.25

Join the JFK PTO! It’s not too late and our PTO supports so many of our wonderful school community events.  Your membership matters!

We welcome and encourage everyone to join the JFK PTO. Membership is simple and in no way commits you to volunteer and/or attend meetings (although we would love to have you). Simply click the link below and submit your dues/donation. Don't forget to fill out the membership form as well. Once both steps are complete you are able to join our PTO Membership page which has all upcoming events and updates!       https://john-f-kennedy-elem-pto.square.site/

Additional MPS information can be accessed through the district website at www.milforded.org.  

JFK: A Community Where


Learners SOAR!