Our warm weather the last few days will shortly come to an end later this weekend and possibly into next week. Temperatures this weekend are expected to be in the low to mid 40’s with a chance to drop even lower. It is still a good weekend to get any outside decorations put up before the colder and possibly snowier weather comes our way. If decorating the outside of your house isn’t your thing then you can watch the number 5 ranked UCONN Men’s Basketball team take on Long Island University at 12:30 PM on Saturday.
Please take a few minutes to review the below updates and reminders:
HMS Recap -
View our pictures and read about what’s been going on at HMS over the last week: click on the Recap.
HMS Silver Sands Pizza Day -
Click Silver Sands for a reminder flyer for your refrigerator.
Beverages at School -
Students may have reusable water bottles at school to hydrate throughout the day.
Students are not to be bringing in and/or drinking outside beverages from places like Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, etc. If these beverages are purchased prior to being dropped off at school, students are to finish them before being dropped off or leave the beverage in the car.
School Health Office News -
Please click Health Office for information regarding illness guidelines.
HMS December Spirit Week -
Save the Date for Family Game Night -
Friday, January 20 at HMS from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Click Family Game Night for more information.
Save the Date for our Winter Dance -
Friday, February 24 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. HMS students only.
Cost of the ticket is $5.
More information, along with the permission form, to follow at a later date.
HMS Grade 8 Boon Fundraiser -
For more information, please click Boon
Thursday, December 22 - This is a full day of school.
Friday, December 23 - Monday, January 2 - No school due to the Holiday break.
Tuesday, January 3 - First day of school after the holiday break.
Monday, January 16 - No school in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
Wednesday, January 25 - Early dismissal for staff professional learning. Students are dismissed at 12:45 PM.
Friday, February 17 and Monday, February 20 - No school due to Winter Recess.
Wednesday, February 22 - Early dismissal for staff professional learning. Students are dismissed at 12:45 PM.
Friday, February 24 - HMS Winter Dance in the gym from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Spring Middle School Conferences -
Wednesday, March 29th, 1:05 PM-3:05 PM
Thursday, March 30th, 5:30 PM-8:00 PM