Break out your stationary and fancy pens tonight for National Send a Card to a Friend Day and catch up with someone the “old fashioned” way. How is your cursive handwriting looking lately? Today is the day to practice that skill!
Stock up on your snacks and apps for the big game this Sunday and you may also want to order a few pies for National Pizza Day on Sunday.
Have a great weekend!
Please take a moment to review a few important updates and reminders.
HMS Recap -
View our pictures and read about what’s been going on at HMS this week: click on the Recap
HMS Spirit Week is Back -
HMS Student Arts Council -
The HMS Student Arts Council is pleased to announce our upcoming Family Art Night: An Icy Affair.
It will take place on Thursday, February 20th, 2025, from 6-8pm.
This event provides a wonderful opportunity for students and families to connect with one another while creating a variety of art pieces.
The event is free but please fill out the short Art Night Form if you are planning to attend. This way we can plan appropriately for the number of people attending.
If you would like to participate or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:
Drama Club Tickets -
Tickets for the Harborside Drama Club's Spring show, Alice in Wonderland Jr, are on sale now!
Shows are at 2:00 and 6:00 pm on Saturday, April 5, at Jonathan Law High School Auditorium.
Tickets are $12 and children ages 3 and under are free.
Please support the talented cast and crew who have been working so hard since October! Purchase your tickets here:
And don't forget to give your favorite cast or crew member a shout out with a Playbill ad! A message for $15, half page with photos for $25, or full page with photos for $45.
Yearbooks are on Sale-
The code to order for HMS is: 10453025
PTO Membership -
To join the HMS PTO please click Membership.
To join the HMS PTO Facebook page click Facebook.
Important Dates!
February 14 and 17 - No school for Winter Recess.
February 25 - Grade 8 Students visit their respective high school. More information to come.
February 26 - Early dismissal for students and Professional Learning for staff.
March 5 - No school for students and Professional Learning Day for staff.
Spring Middle School Conferences -
Tuesday, March 18th 1:05-3:05 p.m.
Wednesday, March 19th 5:30-8:00 p.m.
March 26 - Early dismissal for students and Professional Learning for staff.
March 27 - Quarter 3 ends.
March 28 - Quarter 4 starts.
April 5 - Drama Club’s performance of Alice in Wonderland, Jr. : 2:00 and 6:00 p.m. at JLHS.
April 18 - No school in observance of Good Friday.
April 21- April 25 - No school for Spring Recess.
April 30 - Early dismissal for students and Professional Learning for staff.
May 12 - May 23 - Smarter Balanced Assessment testing window.
May ?? - Grade 8 NGSS Science Test.
May 14 - Early dismissal for students and Professional Learning for staff.
May 26 - No school in observance of Memorial Day.
May 28 - Grade 8 to Holiday Hill.
June 2 - All District Middle School Track Meet at Law. More information to follow.
June 3 - Rain date.
June 10 - Tentative last day of school.