Wishing you a wonderful long weekend. The excitement of the holidays has officially started! This coming weekend not only includes the famous Black Friday Event and Small Business Saturday, but also National Day of Listening (11/29) , and Computer Security Day (11/30).
Please take a moment to review a few important updates and reminders.
HMS Recap -
View our pictures and read about what’s been going on at HMS this week: click on the Recap
Thanksgiving Turkey Trot -
Milford’s Annual Turkey Trot is Thursday, November 28.
For more information click Turkey Trot.
PTO Membership -
To join the HMS PTO please click Membership.
To join the HMS PTO Facebook page click Facebook.
Important Dates!
November 27 - Early dismissal for Thanksgiving break.
November 28 and 29 - No school for Thanksgiving Holiday.
December 11 - Early dismissal for students and Professional Learning for staff.
December 20 - Is a full day for students and staff.
December 23 - January 1 - No school for Holiday Recess.
January 8 - Early dismissal for students and Professional Learning for staff.
January 20 - No school in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
January 22 - Early dismissal for students and Professional Learning for staff.
February 5 - Early dismissal for students and Professional Learning for staff.
February 14 and 17 - No school for Winter Recess.
February 26 - Early dismissal for students and Professional Learning for staff.
Spring Middle School Conferences -
Tuesday, March 18th 1:05-3:05 p.m.
Wednesday, March 19th 5:30-8:00 p.m.