
Friday News 9/9/2022

Our Mission Statement:

Provide a learning environment which fosters critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication to prepare all students for the challenges of the 21st century.




Will your student be absent from school? 

Log in to your Parent Portal in Powerschool  On the left side click on the Forms tab. Then click on the Attendance Absence Form-Parents. If you have a Dr’s note you can send it in when the student returns to school.

School Counseling Virtual Office!

Meet new members of the Foran School Counseling Office and explore each "office" for great information! The virtual office will be updated throughout the school year to keep you with up-to-date information. We are looking forward to a great year!

Meet the School Counselors & their staff!

Front Row: Mrs. Close-Counselor, Mrs. Giustino-Counselor, Ms. Bonn-Counselor, Mrs. Collins-Secretary

Back Row: Mrs. Zywocinski-Secretary, Mrs. Wunder-College & Career Center, Mrs. Dove- Counselor, Mr. Rosengrant-Counselor & Director of School Counseling

Meet the English Department! 

Back Row: Mrs. O’Keefe, Mrs. Newall, Ms. Condon, Ms. Ramsey, Mrs. Dooley, Ms. Jones, Mrs. Farrell, Ms. Stamidis. Front Row: Ms. DePalma, Ms. Green.

Missing from photo:Mr. Raucci

Literacy Center 

Literacy Support Center is available each period of the school day for all students at Foran to access help on assignments.  Students can drop-in from their Study Hall to get help on reading and writing assignments from any class, not just English classes. Ms. Dion, who is a long-time writing tutor, is available as well to help students with their work and with their college or scholarship essays.

Paper Plane Championships

period 5’s team “ Yugoslavia” won our World Paper Plane Championships. It was Cynthia Pan, Annabel Wardman, &  Chris Adkins for a hang time of over 11 seconds who won our paper airplane championship in Journalism 2. Students interviewed, got direct quotes and  wrote captions while following photography rules

Mentoring class had some training to get ready to work with our elementary school students. Mrs. Murphy came into Foran yesterday to meet with students and help them set their goals. 

Looking forward to a great year with our senior mentors !


Meet the Math Department!

Back Row: Ms. Tubridy, Ms. Georgetti, Mr. Donovan, Mr. Peters, Ms. Zurolo, Ms. Graham, Ms. Blanchard, Mrs. Spose, Front Row: Mrs. DiCapua, Ms. Springsteen

Numeracy Support Center:

Struggling in math? Need homework help or want to review a test or quiz?

Foran Students can stop into the Numeracy Center in room 329 (at the end of the Green Hallway on the third floor) during their free period without an appointment for help! One of our math teachers is available every period of the day to work with students.

Meet the Special Education Department! 

Mr. Walsh, Mrs. Colangelo, Mrs. Pullins, Mrs. Furdeck, Mrs. Kaminski, Mr. Algiere, Mr. Drew


 Meet Mrs. DeLoma!


Teaching and Learning Commons TEAM Presentation

Meet the Art & Music Department!

Front Row: Ms. Dotson-Art, Mrs. Hudson-Art, Mrs. Plude-Art

Back Row: Ms. Turner-Music, Mr. Stammen-Music, Mrs. Karlan-Music


  Students in Ms. Plude’s Ceramics class are finishing up their first project. After studying the history of the Japanese Tea bowl and their role in Japanese Tea Ceremonies they applied their learning in order to create a successful three-dimensional form.


 Students in Ms. Plude’s Art For Seniors class are currently reviewing the Elements and Principles of  Design and are completing their first project that emphasizes the use of line, space, texture and contrast. 



Meet the Business, Family & Consumer Science, Technology, Engineering & Communication and Health Science Departments!

Back Row: Mr. Balestriere-Business, Mrs. Zanella-FCS, Mr. Blude-Business, Mr. Dillon, Tech/Engineering/Communication, Mr. Domeracki-Tech/Engineering/Communication. 

Front Row: Mrs. Dobuzinsky-Health Science,  Mr. Spinetti, Tech/Engineering/Communications, Mrs. Cacioppo-Business, Ms. Pangu-FCS, Mrs. Colin-FCS


 Auto shop is open for business


Meet the World Language Department! 

Mrs. Valleau, Mrs. Navroth, Mrs. Morazzini, Ms. Buchanan, Mrs. Annunziata

Meet the Science Department!

Mr. Kochiss, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Lockhart, Mr. Stern, Mr. Wajda, Mr. Connors

Missing from photo: Mrs. Donovan, Mr. Sember


First lab for Chemistry and Earth Systems- Mystery Powder Lab



In Chemistry, our young chemists began to sort the universe. Then they participated in a game called "Craft Fair," where each group chose one representative to act as a salesperson to sell their models to potential customers.

Meet the Social Studies Department!

Back Row: Mr. Tupka, Mr. Cesare, Ms. Hoffer, Mr. Dooling, 

Front Row: Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. DiGiacomo, Mrs. Rowley, Mr. Phelan, Mr. Williams




Meet the Physical Education Department!

Mrs. Ganun & Mr. Hair

Mr Hair’s freshman PE class learning basic catching & throwing of a Frisbee

Click Here For Video Link

Mrs. GaNun’s PE 2 class learning how to “get open” in receiving a frisbee

Click Here For Video Link

Both skills are necessary for our students to learn in order to actively participate in Ultimate Frisbee games.


Meet the Health Department!

Mr. Cain & Mr. Raucci


  The first week and a half of Health has been a lot of group work and getting to know you activities to get students out of their shell and getting to know everyone in the class. The pictures attached are an activity called back-to-back drawing where we go over various ways communication can become inefficient and tough to get your point across. Students learn to be more deliberate with their word choices and to be more descriptive in how they communicate with their peers. Lots of fun!!





Football- James Cobain, Matthew Miller, Jack Cushman, Joseph Gaetano

Cheerleading- Luciana Cappello, Jonna Lord, Mallory Janik

Girls Soccer- Colleen Ardolino, Zoe Fallon

Boys Soccer- Liam Young, Jack D’Avignon, Cristian Boutote, Nicholas Agresti

Swimming-Kaitlin Dobkowski, Kaleigh Morton, Carolina Burcio

Volleyball-Chloe Nittoly, Kaitlyn Beaupre

Cross Country Boys- Kevin Chen, Tighe Duggan

Cross Country Girls- Anna Harris, Grace Foley


Boys Cross Country 

Boys Cross Country has their first meet in North Haven this week against Prep, Cheshire, and North Haven. Although they fell short to Prep and Cheshire, they beat out North Haven in a competitive meet. Notable finishes for Foran was Freshman Jose Meade who had a PR of 18:31, Senior Captain Kevin Chen with a time of 19:00, and Senior Captain Tighe Duggan with a time of 19:24. The boys look to head to Stratton Brook this Saturday for their first invitational meet of the season!


Forever Friends

Attention anyone interested in joining Forever Friends. We will be having our first meeting on Wednesday, October 12th from 2:00-4:00pm in room 365.  If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Kaminski at or Mr. Raucci at and feel free to join the Google Classroom with code 5tmzd6y.

Game Club

Game Club will meet after school in Room 404 Science Floor from 2:00-3:30pm.  Video games, role playing games, card games, board games - we've got 'em all!  Please join us for a game!  No experience necessary.  All are welcome!

Multicultural Club

Do you love learning about culture?  Join Foran's multicultural club!!  Our first meeting will be on Thursday, September 15th at 2:00pm in room 347 Blue Hall.  All are welcome!

 Key Club

Attention all future and current key clubbers! Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 13th from 2-2:30pm in the TLC. If you plan on being a member or rejoining this is a mandatory meeting! Looking forward to a fun-filled club helping our community!

Interact Club

The Interact Club will be hosting its first meeting after school in room 123 on the 1st Floor Art Room Area on Monday, September 19th ! Come see what the oldest volunteer club at Foran is all about!  

National Honor Society

We will have our first National Honor Society meeting on Monday, September 12th, immediately after school in the TLC for current members. Please see Mrs. DeLoma or Mr. Tupka if you have any questions.

 Creative Writing Club

Do you like to write fiction?  Foran has a Creative Writing Club and we're looking for more members.  Email or see Mrs. O'Keefe room 278 in yellow hall for more information.

 Coding Club

Coding Club will be having their first meeting on Tuesday, September 13th. Stop by Mr. Spinetti's room 393in Tech Hall after school to see what it is all about. Puzzles, Challenges, and more. No experience needed. Hope to see you there!



Parents, families, and staff- You can also donate ONLINE HERE and learn about Alex and the lemonade stand: 

Donate here: Alex's Lemonade Stand

Read about our lemonade stand from last year here:

Paper lemons will also be on sale September 12-16 for students/faculty to purchase and display in support of Alex's Lemonade Stand at Foran!

September 16 will be our annual GO GOLD/GO YELLOW football game.

 We are asking students to wear YELLOW or GOLD for the football game to raise awareness for childhood cancer AND make a donation that Friday in school. 

Foran High Booster Club 2022-2023

Click here for the Booster Club Form 

Dear Foran Parent, Alumni or Community Member,

Show your support for Foran High athletics by becoming a member of the Foran High Sports Booster Club for the 2022-2023 school year! The Foran High School Booster Club is a non-profit volunteer organization whose sole purpose is to support the student athletes that participate in the 25 sports programs at Foran High School.  In a time when school budgets are tight and athletic funding may run short, your membership dollars help fund equipment purchases and facility improvements above and beyond the athletic budget.  100% of your dues go to support our athletic programs.  We are asking you to become a member of the Foran High Sports Booster Club so that we can continue to support and celebrate ALL student academic and athletic achievements.

How can I join? You can become a member simply by completing this application, selecting either an individual membership ($10 annual fee) or a family membership ($20 annual fee).  There are three different payment options to choose from: 

 1.   VENMO @Foran-BoosterClub

2.   Cash 

3.   Checks made payable to "Foran High Sports Booster Club."  

 *Cash and Check payments can either be sent in to school with student and delivered to the front office or may be mailed to:

 Foran High School 

ATTN: Michelle Viesselman

c/o Foran High School Sports Booster Club

80 Foran Road, Milford, CT 06460 

 If you are interested in doing more for the Booster Club, please check the appropriate boxes below!

 Thank you in advance for your support!

~Foran High School Booster Club Board