Our Mission Statement:
Provide a learning environment which fosters critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication to prepare all students for the challenges of the 21st century.
The last day of school for high school students will be
Monday, June 20, 2022. This is a half day of school.
The last full day of school will be Monday, June 13th, 2022 for high school students only. The cafeteria will operate on a regular schedule through Monday, June 13th, 2022.
All students enrolled in a course must take its examination, with the following exceptions:
A student who takes an AP exam is excused from a final exam in that course unless a final exam is required, such as in a UCONN/ECE course for UCONN credit.
Graduating seniors with a second semester average of B+ or above and no cuts in that course are exempt from taking the final exam in June.
Exam Schedule
7:20-9:20 AM 9:30-11:30 AM
*Thursday, June 9th Period 7 Period 8
Friday, June 10th Lake Compounce
*Monday, June 13th Period 1 Period 2
Tuesday, June 14th Period 3 Period 4
Wednesday, June 15th Period 5 Period 6
Thursday, June 16th GRAD REHEARSAL
*Thursday, June 9th and Monday, June 13th are full days of school for all seniors 7:20-1:58. Any student who leaves early must use standard early dismissal procedures.
GRADES 9, 10, 11
7:20-9:20 AM 9:30-11:30 AM
Tuesday, June 14th Period 1 Period 2
Wednesday, June 15th Period 3 Period 4
Thursday, June 16th Period 5 Period 6
Friday, June 17th Period 7 Period 8 and make-ups
Monday, June 20th Make-ups if needed
Buses will make two runs on exam days from June 14th to June 17th. In addition to the usual morning run, buses will bring students to school at 9:20 AM for the second exam. Students who have no exam in the 9:30-11:30 AM exam period may return on these buses. Dismissal will be at 11:30 AM.
Graduation Rehearsal Schedule is as follows:
Thursday, June 16th Graduation Rehearsal - Foran - 9:00 AM
Friday, June 17th Graduation Rehearsal - Foran – 9:00 AM
All seniors should be in the auditorium by 8:45am
Attention Seniors!
On June 16th there will be a Senior Decision Day celebration immediately after graduation rehearsal. Please report to the football field after rehearsal on Thursday. If it is bad weather, please report to the cafeteria. Any questions, please see Ms. Bonn in the School Counseling office.
Seniors, if you do not need your Chromebook for exams please turn it into the Main Office the week of June 13th.
All Seniors Chromebooks are due by June 16th.
Grab & Go Lunch during Finals
If your student would like to pick up a Grab and Go complete school lunch before you leave school on a day or days you have final exams, or the last day of school, please fill out the linked form (below) before the end of the school day on Monday 6/13.
You must choose if you want the lunch offering, or not, for each day. All lunches will need to be cooked at home. You must fill out each section of the Lunch Form, even if you only want lunch one day. Lunch will be available for pick up in the cafeteria at your dismissal time, either 9:20 or 11:30, during exams, you will be able to choose your pick up time.
Lunch will only be made based on the Lunch Form registration, you must complete the Lunch Form registration to get a lunch on any day during midterms.
Senior Graduation Information
Graduation is Friday, June 17, 2022 5:15pm
Parking for individuals with a physical disability will be available on French Drive.
Outdoor Graduation
6 tickets for the Foran football field
Indoor Graduation (if inclement weather)
4 tickets for the Foran gymnasium plus 3 tickets for the live feed in the auditorium
Ticket will be given to the students at rehearsal
Cap & Gowns will be given to the students at rehearsal
Seniors, if you do not need your Chromebook for exams please turn it into the Main Office the week of June 13th.
All Seniors Chromebooks are due by June 16th.
Seniors must also have ALL financial obligations paid no later than
Financial obligations may include $40 graduation expenses dues, payment for lost books, school equipment including chromebook and athletic uniforms.
Please contact Mrs. Golebiewski in the main office with any questions regarding obligations.
After an outdoor graduation ceremony, diplomas are distributed outside near the entrance to the gymnasium. If there is an indoor ceremony, diplomas will be distributed in the cafeteria.
Congratulations, Class of 2022 Seniors from School Counseling!!
All seniors must complete a School Counseling Graduation Survey in Naviance which indicates post-graduate plans, including where you will be attending school after graduation (if applicable), military, employment, gap year, etc. All students are asked to complete this survey. Please click on the attachment for the instructions. The survey should take about 2 minutes to complete.
If you are attending a trade school or four year college or university after graduation, a final transcript indicating the graduation date will automatically be sent to the school you chose in your survey.
If you are attending a community college in Connecticut, a transcript will be sent to the student's milforded email address in late June/early July so they can upload it to their student account.
If you do not complete the survey, we will not know where to send your transcript once you graduate.
Final transcripts will be sent to colleges/post grad institutions in late June/early July. If your information changes between now and then, please contact Mrs. Skuches in School Counseling at kskuches@milforded.org
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Skuches at kskuches@milforded.org
Thank you, and congratulations again!
Class of 2022 Graduation Survey
Link to School Counseling Office
Are you interested in a Summer Volunteering Opportunity?
We are looking for energetic and responsible
students to work as mentors in our Summer Enrichment Opportunities for students in elementary, middle, and high school programs
Open to Rising 9-12th Graders
Summer Mentoring Opportunities
Our garden has once again been beautified!
Thank you to Lowes for the generous donation!
A special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bourque for making the arrangements and picking up everything we needed to update this incredible space!
The yearbook students created their post-grad plans wall for Seniors!
"Chews Your Next Adventure"
It has been another great year in Room 201 for Mr. Williams and his AP Psychology students. Click on the following link to see the 2021-22 AP Psychology Year In Review Video made up of photos throughout the school year. Make sure you have your volume up.
Psych Year In Review Video2021-22.mp4
Students in Mrs. Cassell's English 1 classes presented performances of "Romeo and Juliet in 10 Minutes." Students worked in small groups with the option to either act out key scenes from the play or act out an investigative news report about the deaths of the characters.
In Calculus, AP students used the material of their choice to create models of solids. Students found the exact volumes using integration and approximates using Riemann Sums in a spreadsheet!
Congratulations Class of 2022
Enjoy some amazing creations from our Class of 2022 artists Joshua Cummings, Jileiny Gonzalez, Katrina Mosquera- Makovich, Aleena Seyal and Elizabeth Walsh.
Happy Summer Everyone!
Students in Mrs. Plude’s Sculpture & Design class just finished creating their Ocean themed relief plaque projects. They learned about the three different styles of relief sculpture and the oxidation process for different types of metal.
Mr. Czajkowski's Painting class is having fun finishing up the semester with watercolor paints. Enjoy the paintings of some fish and clowns. The artists are Anna Griffith, Aleena Seyal, Beilen Turner, Emma Jani, Sinise Sanchez.
Interior Design students are working on their final exam culminating project. Students are creating a design board showcasing their layout, sample materials, and patterns based on a specific space and their clients’ profile.
Students in Managing the Learning Environment have been designing engaging learning activities aligned with classroom themes including a treasure hunt in the outdoor play area!
Students in Latin classes have been researching and presenting on a variety of aspects of ancient Roman and Greek culture, including daily life, the institution of slavery, entertainment, sports, religion, geography, and economics.
This week, AP Spanish students took a field trip to Don Rene Taqueria in downtown Milford. Students ordered and conversed in Spanish, while enjoying delicious, authentic Mexican food. Lo pasamos bien!
Life lessons from the band…. Thank you JAFHS Class of 2022
The Orchestra finished an outstanding year with an adjudicated performance at Westfield State University in Massachusetts. Their performance was scored by two judges, both of whom work at the collegiate level. The Orchestra was rated "Excellent" by the judges, and finished in First Place in the String Orchestra competition. In the photo are members of the orchestra with their First Place trophy, celebrating their victory at the Six Flags park in Massachusetts.
In Mr. Hair’s PE Classes, students finished up with choice activities such as: volleyball, spike ball, badminton, floor hockey, and basketball. What a great end to the quarter.
Have a wonderful summer and stay active!
Mrs. GaNun’s TEAMS classes had fun participating in their “quad” games unit. The last couple of weeks students participated in quad volleyball , badminton and soccer. Today was fun for period 2 who participated in various team building activities like Pipeline, Cup Building relay and Popcorn. Congratulations for Per 2:Blue Dolphin’s who came in 1st place for the marking period. Proud of how well all my students did with demonstrating teamwork skills throughout this quarter.

Big win for Foran Golf! The Lions took home the Mayor’s Cup vs. Jonathan Law for the first time since 2018. Kaitlin Dobkowski, Mia Coppola, Luke Thomas, Maguire Casey and Andrew Thompson competed for Foran, who won the match by one stroke: 158-159. Luke and Kaitlin were medalists, each shooting 37 on the day. Kaitlin, Luke and Mia (38) will be named to the All City Team.
The Post Prom Committee would like to express their gratitude to the businesses that have supported the Senior Post Prom 2022. The Post Prom was a HUGE success and we owe it all to businesses like you. We THANK YOU for your generosity!
Platinum Plus Level:
Porch & Patio
Platinum Level:
Napoli Motors, Inc.
Gold Level:
Milford Kiwanis Foundation
McCabe, Wikstrom & Barney LLC
L.G.B., INC.
Prolete Physical Therapy
Rainmaker Irrigation LLC
Rick’s Plumbing Service, Inc.
Acura of Milford
Diagnostic Imaging of Milford, PC
Silver Level:
Trinitypoint Wealth, LLC
Milford Professional Firefighters L-944
American Legion East Shore Post 196
Dr. Philip Caporusso DMD
CT Barracudas LLC
Robert Christopher Adams, DDS