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Debra Kappel
East Shore Middle School
Resource Teacher
Alexander Kappel
East Shore Middle School
Special Education Teacher
Sheryl Kee
East Shore Middle School
Ian Kirkpatrick
East Shore Middle School
Physical Education Teacher
Zachary Lane
East Shore Middle School
Social Worker
Joyce Lasse
East Shore Middle School
Lunch Aide
John Liscio
East Shore Middle School
Health Teacher
Steve Loschiavo
East Shore Middle School
School Resource Officer
Erin Maloney
East Shore Middle School
Dennis Marklinsky
East Shore Middle School
David Marklinsky
East Shore Middle School
Michael Martinez
East Shore Middle School
Rachel Merriam
East Shore Middle School
Music Teacher
Abel Padilla
East Shore Middle School
Food Service Staff
Michele Palmer
East Shore Middle School
Art Teacher
Christina Parisi
East Shore Middle School
Collean Patrick
East Shore Middle School
Lindsay Raymond
East Shore Middle School
Health Teacher
AnnaMarie Richiski
East Shore Middle School
English/Language Arts Teacher
Kelly Rubino
East Shore Middle School
School Counselor