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Jennifer Knight
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
April Knight
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Grade 2 Teacher
Shea Lagonigro
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Victoria Lakic
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Deva Lapatas
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Instructional Coach
Marissa Levy
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Music Teacher
Sarah Lipp
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Grade 1 Teacher
Judy Lobdell
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Milford Family Resource Center
Joann Lombardi
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Grade 3 Teacher
Laurie MacAllister
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Grade 5 Teacher
Paul Marino
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Music Teacher
Sarah McConachie
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Speech Pathologist
Lorraine Milone
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Lunch Aide
Rosa Mohrmann
Calf Pen Elementary School
Lindsay Morrow
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Alyssa Mucciacciaro
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Anne Mundy
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Ready to Learn
Kelley O'Brien
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Instructional Coach
Carly Pala
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Guidance Counselor
Megan Pallanti-Flynn
Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School
Social Worker