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Report Cards:  Your child’s Report Card will be available on Friday,  12/16 after 1 pm to view/print in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The report card can be accessed right from the grades and attendance screen. You must access it from your web browser and not the Powerschool App.  Use the following link to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal.  Below is a screen-shot of the page. Should you have any issues logging into PowerSchool please contact the IT Department - or 203-783-3446.  

Wednesday, December 14th  Lifetouch photographers will return to photograph students who were absent on our picture day in November. They will also retake portraits with the original portrait package returned. As a reminder, class photos are done during the Spring session. To order, visit and use Picture Day ID: EVTDKVPNW


CPM Holiday Fair-The Holiday Fair is back and will be running December 15 and 16 during school hours! It is a great opportunity for kids to shop for family and friends with items priced $6 and under. An envelope with a place to fill out your child’s shopping list and budget will be sent home the week of the fair. We will also need many volunteers to make this event a success and a sign up list will be coming soon.

Barnes & Noble Holiday Book Fair - The CPM PTA will be hosting a holiday shopping event at the Milford Barnes & Noble on Thursday, December 8 from 4:00-7:00. Proceeds from each purchase will benefit the CPM PTA. We will be having a raffle featuring a basket of goodies from Barnes & Noble and there will be an opportunity to shop CPM teacher’s wish lists for books for your child’s classroom. CPM teachers will also be hosting storytime at the Barnes & Noble

Children’s Department from 6:00-7:30 pm. Check out the flyer for more details and spread the word to friends and family.

We need a few extra hands to help out at our welcome table which would include passing out shopping vouchers to anyone who enters the store, handing out raffle tickets to CPM families who show receipt of purchase, and collecting any purchases from the CPM staff wish lists. If you are able to volunteer, please sign up at the link:

DECEMBER PTA MEETINGWednesday, December 14 th at 6:30

Due to general holiday craziness, this month’s meeting will be VIRTUAL. Look for a link from Mrs. Whitaker as the meeting gets closer.

Click HERE for complete PTA News and details for upcoming events

Foodservice News: Free Meals Continue Through December 2022

Back in August, the Milford Foodservice department confirmed it would continue to provide breakfast and lunch at no charge this school year, thanks to limited federal funding we received through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) and the subsequent allocation to the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE). At that time, we reported we would provide free meals to students until the funding source was depleted. We also stated that we would provide all of our families with a 30-day notice of when we anticipated the funds would be depleted. 

As of today, we are confirming the Milford Foodservice department will continue to offer lunch and breakfast to students at no charge through December 2022. 

We do, however, expect the Free Meal program will end at the end of December and meals will once again need to be purchased starting in January 2023. 

To prepare for this change in our Foodservice program, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the online payment portal we use here in Milford, called Titan.  This service gives families the opportunity to create an account for the entire family that is convenient and easy-to-use.  Click HERE to learn more about Titan.  

Families that previously completed a Free/Reduced-Price Meals application and were approved for the program will still be able to receive free/reduced price meals. If you did not complete a Free/Reduced Price Application this year but believe your family would qualify, we strongly urge you to complete the form that is linked below now so your child’s meal service will not be interrupted.  

2022-23 Free/Reduced Price Online Application

2022-23 Free/Reduced Price Meals Printable Application

We will continue to provide updates – with a specific end date for the program – as we get closer.  In the meantime, we are grateful for the funding we have received to date from our state and federal sources and are thankful for our Milford Foodservice Team and their impeccable service throughout this program.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your school’s cafeteria manager.

From the CPM Media Center:

Community Connection Center:This week's Community Connection Center's Newsletter (CCC News)  has links to  Adams House and  Bridges Inc.  Both support families through tough issues.  Each week information about Milford's providers & their programs are listed . You will also find ideas for family friendly activities & places to visit.  And don't forget that the CCC website is also updated with links to community resources.  Have a Safe & Healthy weekend!

  5th Grade Student Leadership

CPM’s 5th Grade Student Leadership Team has designed a fundraiser for the Beth El Center. Please consider donating to this wonderful cause. See the flier attached. Beth El Center Fundraiser

SEL-ebrations : December 2022

SEL-ebrations December 22/23

Important dates-  

  • Wednesday, December 7th: Early Release for Professional Learning @ 1:25 pm

  • Wednesday, December 7 - 6:30 pm -  5th Grade Concert in the CPM gym

  • Wednesday, December 14th - CPM Picture Retake Day

  • Thursday, December 22nd - Last day before Holiday Break!

  • Friday, December 23rd - January 2nd: Holiday Break

  • Tuesday, January 3rd - First Day back 

Have a wonderful weekend!